SHOCKER! Cheese-Eating Rat Michael Cohen Lied To Congress AGAIN!

As the old saying goes, a leopard can’t change its spots…

When it comes to sickening political spectacles it will be hard to top the House Oversight Committee’s red carpet treatment of Michael Cohen, a convicted felon and a scoundrel who has become the latest hero of the anti-Trump resistance.

The president’s former lawyer was once despised by the left but that was until his office was the target of another one of Robert Meuller’s Gestapo style raids and the special counsel’s goons were able to easily find an abundance of material that would put him away for decades.

But like the dishonest cheese-eating rat that he is, Cohen quickly began singing like a canary to both Mueller and the vaunted Southern District Of New York (SDNY) prosecutors in order to stab his famous former client in the back to win a short stay in a country club prison for his criminality.

On Wednesday, Cohen made his long-hyped appearance and was welcomed with open arms by Rep. Elijah Cummings, the committee chair who is one of Trump’s most outlandish critics and by all indications, a man who just can’t get over the idea that Barack Obama was term-limited by the Constitution.

It marked a new low for the Democrats by bringing back a man who already lied to Congress and despite his clear lack of credibility, they featured him as their star witness in what the corrupt hacks in the activist media are calling the “smoking gun” that will lead to Trump’s impeachment and removal from office.

However, the only smoking gun was the one that went off when Cohen busted a cap into his own foot by blatantly lying AGAIN when he claimed that he didn’t have designs on a White House job during questioning that he was acting like a jilted lover.

Ranking committee member Jim Jordan saw right through Cohen’s latest fib:

Then something uncanny and unprecedented happened – even CNN turned on Cohen:

Now, a video clip from 2016 shows that “the rat” just lied to Congress again and ironically, it was a CNN interview that told the tale and believe it or not – it was Cohen himself who just after Trump’s election, tweeted out what now appears to be an act of perjury following his denials that he was salivating over the prospect of a job in the White House.


Via Mediaite, “2016 Michael Cohen Interview Shows He ‘Certainly Hoped’ He’d Be Offered a White House Job”:

In an interview from 2016, as first reported by the Washington Examiner, Michael Cohen told CNN’s Chris Cuomo he “certainly” hoped he would be offered a job at the White House, and said he would “100 percent” go to Washington, D.C. if asked.

The hope that Cohen expressed during that interview directly contradicts what he told the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Wednesday.

“I was extremely proud to be personal attorney to the president of the United States of America. I did not want to go to the White House.” Cohen told Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

Shortly after President Donald Trump was elected in 2016, Cohen’s answer was quite different.

“I haven’t been asked,” Cohen told Cuomo.

“You haven’t been asked,” a surprised Cuomo said.

“I hope,” Cohen added.

“That can’t be true. You would be the first person he would want by his side,” Cuomo said.

Asked if there was a chance he’d be asked to go, Cohen said “I certainly hope so.”

“Would you go?” Cuomo followed up.

“100 percent,” Cohen replied.

OH CRAP! That high-pitched noise that you may be hearing is Cohen’s pro bono lawyer Lanny Davis shrieking in despair after his client just blew himself up.

There really was no way that the Democrats were ever going to find enough lipstick to put on this pig and they will forever be stained by their frolicking with him in the mud.