Old White Guy Joe Biden’s 2020 Presidential Run May Already Be Over

Democrats are determined to see a Kamala Harris nomination come hell or high water and arent’ about to let an old white dude stand in the way of her coronation.

Former Vice President Joe Biden tasted the wrath of the Twitter mob after making complimentary comments about his successor Mike Pence, an unforgivable sin that further erodes his slim chances of securing the Democrat nomination next year.

Biden already had the deck stacked against him because he is an old white dude whose party has radically changed since he was Barack Obama’s second banana and his taking the high road with Pence who is hated because he is a Christian may have sunk his ship before it even left the dock.

The 76-year-old career politician slipped up by referring to Pence as a “decent guy” during an event at the at the University of Nebraska-Omaha on Thursday.

No sooner had the words left his mouth, the extremists were angrily jabbing their index fingers into their cellphones for this unforgivable blasphemy of the cult of identity.

Showing all of the courage that the Obama regime practiced when dealing with authoritarian regimes abroad whose dictators regularly used Barry and Biden as footstools, the ex-veep’s spine jellified when he was called mean things by the likes of far-left activist/actress Cynthia Nixon, the star of the ultra-raunchy Sex In The City and failed socialist New York gubernatorial candidate.

Via The Washingon Examiner, “Joe Biden takes heat for calling Mike Pence a ‘decent guy’”:

Former Vice President Joe Biden, who has directed sharp criticism at President Trump, invited sharp criticism himself Thursday when he called his successor in the No. 2 office a “decent guy” during a speech in Omaha.

“The fact of the matter is it was followed on by a guy who’s a decent guy, our vice president, who stood before this group of allies and leaders and said, ‘I’m here on behalf of President Trump,’ and there was dead silence. Dead silence,” Biden said of Mike Pence, referring to how the international community reacted to the vice president’s speech at the Munich Security Conference earlier this month.

Liberal activist and actress Cynthia Nixon was quick to take issue with Biden’s description of Pence.

“You’ve just called America’s most anti-LGBT elected leader ‘a decent guy,” she tweeted at Biden. “Please consider how this falls on the ears of our community.”

Biden told Nixon that she was right. “I was making a point in a foreign policy context, that under normal circumstances a Vice President wouldn’t be given a silent reaction on the world stage,” he said.

“But there is nothing decent about being anti-LGBTQ rights, and that includes the Vice President,” he wrote.

Biden’s groveling to the likes of a radical like Nixon shows that his impending presidential bid is already doomed because he will be dog-walked during the primaries and debates just for fun by those who dig tormenting elderly white guys.

It wasn’t only Nixon either, a sample of some of the cyberbullying that led to old Foghorn Leghorn’s capitulation to the radicals:

Particularly ominous for old Joe’s presidential hopes comes from this self-anointed spokesman for millennials aka Generation Socialist:

This uproar comes just as he is about put on his makeup and join the rest of the clowns for what promises to be the greatest show on Earth as well as a fratricidal civil war that may splinter the Democratic party into so many pieces that all the king’s horses and all the king’s men won’t be able to put them back together again.