Eric Swalwell Claims Tucker Carlson Is Trying To Kill His Family

Eric “Fang Bang” Swalwell shared a voice message he claims came from a Tucker Carlson fan. According to the California democrat, this person threatened to kill his family at Tucker’s request. On top of being famous for being full of hot air, and having sex with a Chinese spy, Swalwell is known for being a needy attention whore. Chances are, he got one of his buddies to make this call from a burner phone. That is if he actually has friends. Maybe he found someone on Grindr and paid him.

Here’s Swalwell screaming, “Pay attention to me!”

And here’s what the person said:

“Oh I’m so glad that my call’s very important to you, Mr. Intel Man. Here’s some intelligence, motherf*cker. They just showed you on Fox News on Tucker Carlson saying that Babbitt – that unarmed veteran, that white woman that was shot by a cop. You said he was a brave officer shooting at some serious threat. He was a coward bitch who shot an unarmed white woman! If she would’ve been some black ni*gger crackhead, you guys would’ve had that cop’s head on a stick. F*ck you, you Obama ni*gger, ass-licking pig.

“Andy McCabe just got his f*cking pension back and he’s a traitor, a liar, a leaker, squeaker, lying traitor little bitch, just like Comey and the rest of the Clinton cartel and the Obama Marxist ni*gger cartel.”

“F*ck you, you pig. You little f*ggot bitch. Go find that Chinese whore and move to China you f*cking cocksucker. You soul-eating bastard. Intelligence Committee. Motherf*cker, my dog has more intelligence in his dried up nutsack than you have in your warped little mind. You and Adam Schiff, that little f*cking overmedicated freak. You people are a disgrace to God, our country, and our people. You’re the enemies of the United States people, motherf*cker. You atheist communist f*ggots are the threat to our democracy, our Constitution, and our way of life. And I hope these foreign invaders that you’re letting into this country, I hope they chop you and your family up and feed ’em to their dogs, you pig. You f*cking bitch. And there’s your free speech for today, asshole, from Trump nation. Write it down, you little bitch. Trump nation, baby.”

Sorry, there’s no threat there. Hoping someone dies is different that threatening to kill someone. We saw this over and over with TDS-afflicted celebrities during the the Age of Trump. The guy says he hopes Swalwell’s family is killed by illegal aliens, but he never says I’m sending illegal aliens to kill your family.

Also, let’s consider the very real possibility that this is bullshit. If someone legitimately threatened to kill Eric Swalwell’s family, he would notify the authorities, not post it on Twitter. If this was real and there was an investigation, posting it to social media would compromise the investigation. Plus, the dude on the phone is trying way too hard to sell him as a Trump supporter.

Finally, I wouldn’t have used some of the language the guy on the voice message did, but everything he said was 100% true.