Hillary Announces She’s Not Running And Democrats Still Want Her To Shut Up

Hillary Clinton announced that she will not try and fail again to become President of the United States. She said she will not be running in 2020, but assured us all that she will still be bitching and moaning about stuff. In related news democrats say they want Hillary to STFU and stay out of the 2020 campaign altogether because she is so toxic she almost guarantees Donald Trump’s reelection.

Proving her relevance, Hillary made a major announcement concerning her political future that was only picked up by local channel News 12 Westchester:

“I’m not running, but I’m going to keep on working and speaking and standing up for what I believe,” said Hillary.

This being Hillary, there’s actually a lot to unpack from that brief statement. First, she’s a lying sack of crap, so this probably means she is absolutely running in 2020. Second, her saying that she’s going to keep on working is another lie because it indicates that she’s ever worked and she hasn’t. Third, how is show going to stand up for what she believes in when she doesn’t believe in anything and can’t stand under her own power?

And the comedy kept coming:

“What’s at stake in our country, the kind of things that are happening right now are deeply troubling to me. And I’m also thinking hard about how do we start talking and listening to each other again? We’ve just gotten so polarized. We’ve gotten into really opposing camps unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my adult life,” said Hillary.

Is this the same woman who called half the country a bunch of racist deplorables? Is this the same person who said she was proud to have Republicans as her enemies? Is this the politician who characterized millions of law-abiding gun owners as extremists and vowed to destroy them? Yeah, how did we get so divided in this country?

“I want to be sure that people understand I’m going to keep speaking out. I’m not going anywhere,” Hillary said.

Yeah, about that…

CNN assembled a panel of democratic voters and former Hillary Clinton supporters. They were asked if Hillary should have a role in the 2020 election and unanimously said “hell no.”

“I love you, Hillary. I love you, I love you. But stay away. We are so divided right now that anything that has Hillary on it is automatically going to separate us again,” said one liberal kook.

“I just think her time is done. I think it’s been…it’s done. We do need something new,” said another lefty lunatic.

Hillary isn’t even a “someone” any more, she’s a “something.” Ouch.

Later in her interview Hillary said she’s going balls in to make sure Donald Trump looses in 2020.

“I’m going to do everything I can to help democrats win back the White House,” said Hillary.

Judging by the reaction from the entire rest of Liberaldom, the best thing Hillary could do is get a hobby like knitting pink pussy hats and stay out of the 2020 campaign. She of course won’t do that and Trump, the GOP, and conservatives everywhere thank her. She put Trump in the White House and it looks like she wants to keep him there 4 more years.