Liberal Website Isn’t Sure Molesting Children Is Such A Bad Thing

Liberals are completely nuts, but surely even they would agree that molesting children is a bad thing, right? Well, these are the same people who think it’s a women’s health issue to murder babies even after they’ve been born so obviously pedophilia is a man’s health issue. Liberal website Slate is arguing that raping children is a mental disorder and that it’s morally wrong to punish people who do it. I think it’s just a matter of time before liberals advocate blowing up kittens with dynamite while masturbating on recently-strangled nuns. These people are awful.

Here’s a headline Slate thought was a good idea: Is Pedophilia a Crime or an Illness?

It’s a crime. Case closed.

We’ve never quite known whether child molesters should be treated as sick people or punished as criminals.

No, we’ve always known that child molesters should be punished. The only confusion seems to be coming from the morally bankrupt people on the left.

Believe it or not, this article is terrible:

…the question is in the air: Is pedophilia a disease to be treated, or a crime to be punished? Are people who seduce minors sick or evil? Our current legal and medical systems blur both views. We call for the most draconian punishments (life imprisonment, castration, permanent exile) precisely because we view these acts as morally heinous, yet also driven by uncontrollable biological urges.

Again, there is no ambiguity in our society about whether pedophilia is a crime or not. It most certainly is and there is absolutely no grey area.

Now get ready for the worst thing anyone has ever written:

If sex with children is truly the product of freely made moral choices, then we should deal with it through the criminal justice system. But if it is a genetically over-determined impulse, an uncontrollable urge nestled in our DNA, then punishing pedophiles must be morally wrong. As science—and culture—increasingly medicalizes bad behavior, finding a neurological component to everything from alcoholism to youth violence, we run the parallel risks of either absolving everyone for everything, or punishing “criminals” who are no guiltier than cancer patients.

I’ll let you decide which sentiment is worse: that punishing child molesters is morally wrong or that child molesters are victims like cancer patients. When someone is writing about pedophiles and puts the word “criminals” in quotes, that’s about as f*cked up as it gets.

This piece of shit goes on for a while with the author comparing child molesters to alcoholics, but no analogy could be as bad as this quote from some nobody:

“Bibliophilia means the excessive love of books. It does not mean stealing books from libraries. Pedophilia means the excessive (sexual) love of children. It does not mean having sex with them.”

As you can see, molesting children is no different than collection books. I mean, besides the sexual assault, that is.

Then the argument is made that since child molesters have a high rate of reoffending that it simply doesn’t make sense to punish them in the first place. In fact, the author thinks punishing child molesters is cruel:

Holding a child molester responsible for his actions means a lifetime of incarceration or of monitoring, unemployment, and shaming. Offender registries are certainly an alternative to other forms of vigilantism, but the practical effect is a whole subclass of offenders with nowhere to live or work. If science someday proves us wrong, and pedophiles are wholly victims of their own biology, we will have victimized them twice and called it justice.

Yeah, the person who wrote this think punishing child molesters victimizes them. I’m actually at a loss for words over this.

I believe this is part of that slippery slope people are always talking about. First they normalized same-sex marriage and now they are trying to do the same thing with child molestation. That pretty much just leaves incest, bestiality, and necrophilia that needs to be mainstreamed by those depraved liberals and I’m sure they are working on a strategy as we speak.