An already watered-down resolution that Democrats were going to introduce to rebuke the virulently anti-Semitic freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar is now officially dead following a revolt against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi by rabid young socialists and members of the Congressional Black Caucus.
The resolution was scheduled for yesterday but has been pulled under pressure as the Democrats inch closer to the full-blown dehumanization of Jews much like their ideological predecessors in Germany’s historically infamous Nazi party.
Pelosi never knew what hit her when anti-Semites led by the loathsome Linda Sarsour and party leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mobilized their Twitter mobs, roped in Farrakhan loyalists in the CBC and insisted that instead of a resolution mildly rebuking Omar without even mentioning her name would instead be rewritten to include all forms of bigotry and of course, it will all be blamed on President Trump.
The septuagenarian Pelosi and her fellow Dem dinosaurs badly miscalculated when they enabled the extremists in their base as tools to wage war against President Trump over a lost election and now the young fanatics who are gripped by a Bolshevist fervor and enchanted by 29-year-old former bartender Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have completely taken over the party.
With a big assist from the racist Congressional Black Caucus (many members have ties to anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan) the upstarts have humiliated Pelosi, forcing her to pull the resolution that prominent Jewish groups including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) were demanding in order to water it down so as to not single out the Jew hater from Little Somalia Minneapolis.
It is stunning to watch how quickly that AOC with her shrillness, dumbassery and squeaky squirrel’s voice has become the most powerful member of the U.S. Congress but as history has shown, communism is capable of spreading like wildfire once the spark has been ignited.
Fox’s Sean Hannity calls it like it is – Pelosi is no longer in control but is being dog-walked by a woman young enough to be her granddaughter.
Not only was the resolution pulled, but 2020 candidates are flocking to Omar’s defense ensuring that anti-Semitism will become a plank in the party’s platform going forward.
Normally this would be time for the Republicans to pulverize their opposition and a party that has become unrecognizable and un-American if not hostile to western civilization itself.
But the Republicans are too busy working to undermine Trump out of the hope that the high-rolling GOPe establishment can wrest back control of the illicit spoils system.
They are also making a serious mistake and will find out that you can’t reason with fanatics because once they finish stabbing Trump in the back, if it costs him the election, so goes any semblance of control of Congress which will then be in enemy hands.
Thoughts? Come on Deplorables!