Eric Holder Says America Has Never Been Great

It’s no secret that democrats hate America but they usually prove that with their actions, not words. Eric Holder broke with tradition and expressed his disgust for our country verbally. According to Obama’s Attorney General America has never been great. Not when Obama was president, not when he was getting Border Patrol agents killed, never. This country has sucked from day one and never saw an uptick, say Holder.

Holder was on MSNBC talking about who gives a f*ck when the discussion went this way:

“There’s a lot of talk about America being a leader as a democracy quote unquote when in the 1800’s when women and African Americans couldn’t vote. What kind of democracy is that?” asked the host.

Really? There’s a lot of talk about that? For the record America is not a direct democracy, it’s a representative republic.

“That’s exactly right and that’s what I hear these things let’s make America great again. I think to myself exactly when did you think America was great? It certainly wasn’t when people were enslaved. It certainly wasn’t when women didn’t have the right to vote. It certainly wasn’t when the LGBT community was denied the rights to which it was entitled,” said Holder.

I thought for sure that Holder was going to say letting men marry each other or allowing dudes to shower with little girls was the point America became great, but apparently even that isn’t enough for him.

“Does that phrase go as discrimination to your ears?” the host asked about MAGA.

“It goes back to an American past that never in fact really existed. The notion of greatness,” said Holder.

There you have it: Eric Holder says America has never been great.

But wait, there’s more:

“Looking back, make America great again, is inconsistent with who we are as Americans,” said Holder.

So America was never great and any attempts to make it great are unAmerican? This sounds like the platform democrats will be running on in 2020.

The sad thing is, this isn’t the first time Holder has asserted that America has never been great. Last September he said pretty much the exact same thing:

“Perhaps [Republicans] are too busy trying to make America great again. Every time I hear that phrase I wonder when exactly do they have in mind? What time period do they want to wind the clock back to? What century? What decade? What year?” Holder asked.

And then…

“Certainly it was not when people were enslaved. Certainly, it was not when segregation was the law of the land. Certainly, it was not when women were disenfranchised. Certainly, it was not when the LGBT community was routinely stigmatized. This sort of thinking, this ‘Make America Great’ mindset is not only flawed, it’s rooted in fear. And it favors an imagined past over a realistic future,” said Holder.

Okay, bro, we get it. You hate America, so why do you still liver here? That’s a legitimate question for Holder and all of the democrats who hate this country. Why don’t they leave and go live in some socialist hellhole like they want to turn the US into? It’s win/win for everyone: dems get to live somewhere that all of their money goes to lazy people and we don’t have to hear them bitch anymore.

Since Holder has now said America has never been great at least two times, his statement on MSNBC is essentially America Has Never Been Great Again. I can’t wait to see all of those AHNBGA hats at the Democratic National Convention.