Surprise! Kamala Harris Thinks America Has Always Sucked

Though the notion that American has never been great has been part of the Democratic Party’s folklore for a while, Pete Buttigieg is the first 2020 dem to openly embrace it. Kamala Harris’ campaign isn’t going so well so she jumped on the “America has always sucked” bandwagon in hopes of getting a lefty boost. Not that this is an issue, but Harris must realize that saying this country has always been horrible won’t play well in the general election. Then again liberal coastal elites like her don’t understand that most of the country doesn’t adhere to her whacko progressive “San Francisco Values.”

The craziest thing about this is that Harris so is proud of her hatred of this country that she tweeted this crap out herself:

“I know that we have in this White House, a President who says he wants to make America great again, but what does that mean?” Harris asked.

Just off the top of my head, I would imagine that when someone, such as President Trump, says he wants to make America great again, he means he wants to return this country to its former greatness. You know, when we a manufacturing juggernaut, people could realize the American dream, and citizens lived a life of safety and security.

Harris is a democrat, so she doesn’t like that American past. Here’s her nightmare scenario:

“Does that mean he wants to take us back before schools were integrated? Does that mean he wants to take us back before the Voting Rights Act was enacted? Does that mean he wants to take us back before the Civil Rights was enacted? Does that mean he wants to take us back before Roe v. Wade was enacted?” Harris asked rhetorically. “Because we’re not going back.”

Well no, dummy, Trump doesn’t want to take us back to all of the shitty racist things democrats did when they had virtually complete control over the government. Why the hell would a Republican want that?

I guess Trump would like to see a pre-Roe v. Wade America, but the rest of that stuff was passed into law by Republicans to stop the democrats from oppressing minorities. And for the record, Roe v. Wade was a Supreme Court decision and not a law, so it was never “enacted” as Harris would like us to believe.

What Harris is actually saying is that Trump can’t make America great because it was never great to begin with. And the reason why she thinks America has always sucked is because of her own party’s racism. The truth of the matter is, America has always been great in spite of the Democratic party’s racism. Another reality is, since the beginning of this country, the only bad things about it have been because of democrats.

This is true even today. Shitty trade deals, dependency on big government social programs, a lack of a sane immigration policy, and baby genocide are the roots to all of our country’s problems and all the doings of democrats. Republicans have been trying to unf*ck these things, but the democrats are persistent in their hatred of a free capitalist society.

Kamala Harris doesn’t think America was ever great, because her definition of greatness is different. As a democrat, she doesn’t love what this country has been but rather what she wants it to be and that’s a socialist hellhole where ruling democrat elites control all power, money, and behavior. We’re not going back to democrats’ racism and we’re not going forward into their totalitarian future. MAGA is about keeping America great like we’ve always been.