Pete Buttigieg Apologizes For Saying ‘All Lives Matter’

Alternate headline: Gay white guy with “butt” in his last name apologizes for saying that white people shouldn’t be murdered. Pete Buttigieg is the mayor of South Bend, IN (boo), openly gay, and running for president. Because he is a democrat, a major part of running president involves apologizing for previous statements and beliefs. In Buttigieg’s case, he once said “All Lives Matter”  *gasp!* and he’s damn sorry about that.

CNN reports that in 2015 Buttigieg had the nerve to utter the words “All Lives Matter” when it had been established by leftist lunatics that anything but “Black Lives Matter” was incredibly racist. Buttigieg was at the National Action Network Gathering of the Liberalos this week, kissing Al Sharpton’s ass, when he chose to address his shameful former belief that all human life is precious.

“At that time, I was talking about a lot of issues around racial reconciliation in our community. What I did not understand at that time, was that phrase, just early into mid-2015, was coming to be viewed as a sort of counter slogan to Black Lives Matter. And so, this statement, that seems very anodyne and something that nobody could be against, actually wound up being used to devalue what the Black Lives Matter movement was telling us,” said Buttigieg.

What was the Black Lives Matter movement trying to tell us? That cops are racist and everything in Walmart is free if you’re pissed about an armed black thug getting shot?

Don’t worry, Buttigieg done learnt his lesson and won’t be hoping for all people, especially white ones, to live any more.

“That is the contribution of Black Lives Matter and it’s a reason why, since learning about how that phrase was being used to push back on that activism, I’ve stopped using it in that context,” Buttigieg said.

While Buttigieg is certainly sorry that he once thought everyone is equal, he would not apologize for being commie fanboy. Apparently he once wrote an essay praising Bernie Sanders and socialism. He was on Good Morning America when host George Stephanopoulos asked him about it.

“The President has said ‘socialism, socialism, socialism.’ Gonna reach back into your past. You’re 18-years-old…the essay was basically praising Bernie Sanders for being a socialist. Isn’t that a liability now?” Stephanopoulos asked.

This would have been the perfect time for Buttigieg to say he was sorry for hating America and capitalism, but he went a completely different way:

“What I was praising Senator Sanders for was for being honest about what he believed and I think we need more of that,” Buttigieg said.

So if a child molester honestly believes that raping children is awesome, that deserves praise? I’m pretty sure white supremacists are honest about what they believe. Did Buttigieg ever write an essay praising neo-Nazis for their honesty? Bernie Sanders is a socialist and what he honestly believes in is socialism, which is a bad thing.

Buttigieg then flipped things a bit and argued that since President Trump is against socialism it must be a good thing:

“Talk about going into the past, you know, the president is adopting a tactic that takes us back to the darkest days of the ’50s when you could use the word ‘socialist’ to kill somebody’s career, or to kill an idea, but that trick has been tried so many times that I think it’s losing all meaning,” said Buttigieg.

I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it a million times again: whatever Trump opposes, liberals love and whatever he loves, they oppose. He could come out in favor of slave reparations and it would cause the left to drop N-bombs on those ungrateful descendants of slaves. He could advocate for open borders and liberals would be screaming about those dangerous brown invaders. He’s against socialism, so liberals won’t rest until they destroy this country with socialism.

To recap: Pete Buttigieg is very sorry that he accidentally said anyone who isn’t black deserves to live but won’t apologize for being an un-American commie douchebag.

Now, if someone out there can tell me how to pronounce his last name or at least why he’s a gay guy whose last name starts with “butt.” That’s like an alcoholic being named Drunkigieg or a democrat named Fullofshitigieg.

Also, what, is he like 12-years-old? Don’t you at least have to have hair on your balls to run for president? I know Hillary Clinton did.