No, President Trump Did Not Say He Was Going To Postpone The Election

Liberals are in full-freak-out mode because they believe President Trump said he was going to postpone the November election. Like everything liberals believe, this is pure garbage. The President was pointing out how unreliable an all-mailing in election would be and pressed Congress to do something about it to ensure the security of our electoral process. Democrats claim this is what they want, but when Trump suggests it, suddenly they are against it.

A Trump tweet is like putting a bee hive the underpants of every liberal in the country. The President knows this and stung some liberal wangs and hoo-has with this one:

Did anyone notice the question mark at the end of the sentence about delaying the election? I did but democrats obviously didn’t. At no point does Trump’s write “I’m going to delay the election” or “I’m considering delaying the election.” He posing a question related to fixing the glaring issues with an all-mail in election.” He’s signaling to Congress to address these issues.

In fact, the White House clarified that for Fox News:

“The President is simply raising a question, whereas Democrats are proposing an entirely new system (of massive mail-in voting) that will result in enormous delays in the election results,” a senior administration official said.

So this is yet again another nothing burger that has liberals losing their sesame seeds over. Just for fun, let’s take a look:

A commie says what?

That’s some bold talk from an authoritarian socialist loser for whom the American people have grown tired of.

House Majority Whip James Clyburn had an even dumber take:

President Trump is literally fighting for everyone’s right to cast a vote at the ballot box. There are no ballot boxes when everyone mails in their ballots.

This is something Kameltoe Harris doesn’t understand either:

No, you won’t see anyone at the ballot box on November if democrats have their way with a mail-in election. Why is this so hard?

Shifty is suddenly interested in facts:

Fact Check: Trump never said he was going to do that.

And Nutty Nancy is suddenly interested in the Constitution:

Trump didn’t phrase this in the form of a question because he’s on Jeopardy, he’s asking congress to preserve the integrity of the election.

And that’s what’s on the line here. An all-mail in election has zero integrity. Democrats know it’s the easiest way they can steal the White House, which is why they’ve suddenly flipped from “we must preserve our democracy” to “Trump is a dictator.” If the President suggested a mail-in election, they’d be crying that he’s suppressing the vote and destroying democracy.