Eric ‘Duke Nukem’ Swalwell’s Campaign Video Is Hysterical

Eric Swalwell just announced that he’s running for president. Who? You know, that guy who said he would nuke Americans if they refused to comply with his plan to disarm everyone. Also, I think he’s a US Rep. and a democrat and kind of looks like that dumb guy from the TV show Wings. In any case, he released a video to announce his candidacy fro president in 2020 and it’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen all year.

First off, if you go to YouTube, you will notice that Swalwell’s video has 23 likes and 1,600 dislikes. I’m not a professional pollster, but that can’t be a good sign for his candidacy. Full disclosure, I hit the thumbs down button too, so I have contributed to his humiliation.

Then, there is the actual video which he presumably had final approval on before it was released. This thing is fill with so much funny shit that makes him look bad that I have to believe he was high when he posted it.

The first thing that is very odd about this video is that all of the Swalewell footage is of him standing with a snowy landscape behind him. He’s a California Rep. who was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay area, but for some reason he thinks people will believe he’s a down-home regular Midwesterner or something.

He starts out by talking how his mom used to bake wedding cakes for people and then, I’m not kidding, his words are cut off mid-sentence. I feel like he was about to say: “and she refused to bake cakes for same-sex couples” but then he decided that wouldn’t play well in his video.

The reason I think this is because it immediately cuts to a shot of his parents expressing their disappointment in Eric being a democrat. I’m not making this up, they literally laugh at the fact they gave birth to someone who is a democrat.

Swalwell, who agian threatened to nuke American gun owners, then goes to a gun shop and says the owners of the establishment are open to his insane gun control proposals. There’s a shot of him talking to a guy with a beard in the gun shop, but there’s no audio of anyone at the gun shop agreeing with his plan to disarm Americans and nuke the dissenters.

There’s a couple of testimonials from people with the last name “Swalwell” who I assume are his brother and sister. They both basically say that Eric will do things that people say he can’t do. I’m sure he’s been told that you can’t nuke American citizens just because they believe that they have a 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. That’s a fairly decent reason why this dude should never be president and have access to the nuclear launch codes.

He then unveils his campaign slogan which is “Go Big!” Swalwell says we can’t do nothing and we have to go big on all the issues. He said several days ago that he intends to run his campaign entirely on a gun control platform. He has also said he’d like to nuke people who won’t disarm. Again, this a pretty good reason why he shouldn’t be president.

Swalwell then starts rambling and making up statistics by saying most Americans want socialism, gun control, higher taxes, and stifling regulations to stop mythical man-made global warming. Show your work, Eric. Just because he thinks most American buy into his liberal bullshit, doesn’t mean that it’s true. And speaking of bullshit…

Here’s an actual line from this video:

“Donald Trump wa bold, but a lot of what he was bold about is bullshit,” said Swalwell.

Swalwell went on to say that great job numbers, low unemployment, a kick-ass stockmarket, and a growing GDP is not indicative of a strong economy. I guess to him the economy is doing well when socialism and fascism take over so every dime people earn goes to the state and no one has any Constitutional rights. he’s obviously wrong about that.

The video ends with Swalwell hanging out with some Indian kid who won a Congressional app contest and you’re thinking that maybe whatever this teenager came up with will be relevant to Swalwell’s message. Nope. He takes a selfie with this kid without explaining what he did or why he’s in the video and then it fades out.

As I mentioned before, the down votes on this video far outweigh the likes, but the truly hysterical thing about this it, like a dumbass, he left the comments section open. Nearly everyone who left a comment on this video brings up the fact that he said he wants to nuke American gun owners. The other comments all involve Beto O’Rourke being a furry. I don’t know what that has to do with anything but it sure is funny.