ACLU Issues Travel Advisory Warning Blacks And Latinos To Stay Out Of Florida

Once again the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has proven that it’s name is false advertising. The faux civil rights organization is telling blacks and Latinos to stay the hell out of Florida. Why? Because the state is considering legislation that would make sanctuary cities illegal, something that clearly wouldn’t affect blacks, Latinos, or anyone else who is a citizen or legally present in the United States. I could see if they issued a travel advisory regarding the dangers of “Florida Man” but this is just stupid.

Here’s one of the many things the ACLU does that has nothing to to do with civil rights:


A coalition of civil rights and immigrants’ rights leaders issued a travel alert today informing individuals traveling to Florida to anticipate the possible violation of their constitutional rights if Senate Bill 168 and House Bill 527 become Florida law.

These bills prohibit all localities in the state from adopting policies or procedures that limit entanglement with federal immigration enforcement. They also require each and every Florida county and municipality to expend already limited local resources to enforce federal immigration law, including complying with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) detainer requests…

Okay, so Florida is considering banning sanctuary cities. So what? All this means is that if an illegal immigrant is arrested for a crime and ICE requests a detainer, that the local police agency must turn this criminal over to the feds. It’s no big deal and it really only affects illegal immigrants who have committed another crime on top of being in the US without permission.

Here’s who the ACLU thinks will be hammered by the effort to enforce existing law:

The alert comes amid these bills’ steady progress in the Florida State legislature and cautions both Florida travelers and residents, especially Black, brown & Latinx communities, of the increased likelihood of racial profiling, unjust detention, and possible deportation if these anti-immigrant bills pass.

Really? Florida residents and black people could possibly be deported because of these proposed laws? Maybe the ACLU should brush up on who is eligible for deportation, because it sure as shit isn’t American citizens. They should also do a refresher course on the law. Detaining someone who has been charged with a crime is not “unjust” and a law that targets a specific type of criminal (illegal immigrants) is not “anti-immigrant.”

“It’s shameful that the state of Florida seeks to further harass immigrant communities and erode public safety,” said Florida Immigrant Coalition Political DirectorThomas Kennedy.

Interesting. By turning illegal immigrant rapists and killers over to the feds, this kook says that the public will be less safe. How does that work? Doesn’t less scumbags on the streets mean safer communities? I guess the criminal community would be impacted, but who gives a flying f*ck?

In reality, this is less of a travel warning and more of a boycott/shakedown kind of thing:

Besides issuing the travel alert, the coalition of civil rights and immigrants’ rights organizations has also issued information on the negative economic impact of this proposed legislation and has advised corporations doing business in Florida of these risks as well as the increased likelihood of constitutional violations of their clients traveling to the state.

Awesome! They are trying to convince corporations that by doing business in Florida they run the risk of having their Constitutional rights violated. That may be they dumbest thing about this and, let’s face it, this is pretty idiotic.

This is also completely pointless, but the ACLU could issue some helpful travel warnings:

Let people know if they shower regularly and have a job they run the risk of getting punched in the face by Antifa for looking like a Nazi in Portland. Tell folks traveling to San Francisco that odds are high that they will step in human feces or get pricked by a used needle. Let women know that if they go anywhere that a democrat is campaigning, they will be groped and likely raped. Tell white people that traveling to any major city run by democrats will result in a mugging with a stabbing or shooting to go with it.