Eric Swalwell Is Running For Prez So He Can Nuke All American Gun Owners

Eric Swalwell once threatened to nuke all American gun owners who would resist his efforts to disarm them. As a lowly US Rep. this was an empty threat, but he’s looking to change that. The California democrat is going to announce his candidacy for president in 2020 and plans on running a heavy gun control campaign. He’s trying to to get his hands on the nuclear codes so he can finally annihilate the 2nd Amendment and anyone who supports it. That should play well.

The Atlantic brings us this thing nobody asked for:

There are more long-shot Democrats running for president this year than there have been total candidates in previous campaigns—and next week, Eric Swalwell is joining the pack. The California congressman and frequent cable-news guest on all things related to President Donald Trump and Russia will announce his presidential plans in an appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. But he won’t be running on Russia, or on the continuing fallout from the Mueller report and the Barr letter. Swalwell will center his campaign on gun control.

Somehow this gets stupider because Swalwell is teaming up with anti-gun Parkland Student Cameron Kasky and faux grassroots anti-gun activist Shannon Watts.

Helping him do that will be Cameron Kasky, a survivor of the February 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, who became prominent in the March for Our Lives student movement.

Last week, he invited Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, to join him at an annual event…

It’s kind of sad when you think about it. Swalwell has basically gotten the D-listers of the gun control world because he couldn’t attract the stars like David Hogg and Gabby Giffords. Then again maybe it’s a step up because Swalwell is a Z-list democrat throwing his hat into a crowded 2020 field.

After outlining his unconstitutional plan to ban guns and confiscate them from Americans, one brave guy told Swalwell Molon Labe last November. Swalwell’s response was to threaten to nuke all gun owners who resisted his efforts to disarm them. Immediately following his threat to nuke millions of Americans for clinging to their Constitutionally protected rights, Swalwell explained that he was simply trying to find some common ground. You know, the common ground of nuclear annihilation and whatnot.

Swalwell has justified this insanity by inventing the Constitutional right to be safe, which he claims nullifies the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. He also called for a speed limit on guns, whatever the f*ck that means.

The 2020 Democrats are already running on stupid shit like socialism and open borders but at least they pretend like they’ve got economic plans of job creation. Swalwell on the other hand is planning to run entirely on eliminating the Constitutional right of gun ownership. That’s ridiculous even for democrats.

Q: Do you have a jobs package?

Swalwell: The gun confiscation industry will boom under my administration.

Q: How will you address poverty.

Swalwell: By taking poor people’s guns so they don’t have to go into debt purchasing ammo.

Q: What about the middle-class?

Swalwell: I’m taking their guns too.

Q: How will you pay for this?

Swalwell: By taking guns from the rich at a higher rate so they pay their fair share.

Q: What’s you stance on global warming?

Swalwell: The planet will cool significantly with less gunfire and smokeless powder released into the atmosphere.

Q: What about trade, immigration, and the global threat of terrorism?

Swalwell: What part of ‘I’m taking your guns’ don’t you understand?

Democrats are full of shit and almost never mean anything they say, but I’m willing to believe Swalwell when he says he wants to nuke guns owners who don’t bow to his totalitarian disarmament efforts. When a guy says he will nuke Americans, the last thing we want to do is put him in a position where he has the ability to do that.