Anti-Semite Ilhan Omar Accuses Jewish Stephen Miller Of Being A Nazi

You will only find this level of insanity in the Democratic Party. Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, who hates Jews, is accusing President Trump’s policy advisor Stephen Miller, who is Jewish, of being a white nationalist. Put another way: Muslim anti-Semite claims Jewish Man is a Jew-hating Nazi. This couldn’t be any more ridiculous than if an anti-Asian Latina accused Jackie Chan of hating Chinese food.

To liberals the terms “white nationalist” “white supremacist” and “neo-Nazi” are interchangeable and they use them to describe pretty much anyone who is white and conservative. Here’s Omar doing just that:

Again, Stephen Miller is Jewish. I’d be willing to be that he has very little interest in white supremacy and neo-Nazism, other than he opposes that shit with every fiber of his being.

This is actually part of a semi-complex liberal false narrative. They claim that by President Trump enforcing our existing immigration laws, he’s actually being a some kind of a super-racist. Woven into that lie is that they believe Stephen Miller is the architect of the President’s “racist” immigration policies. By hitting Miller with the “white nationalist” tag Omar and the lefties are really accusing President Trump of white supremacy.

And because all liberals take their marching orders from the same central authority of liberalism, there was a coordinated attempt to paint Miller and Trump as racists. Following the departure of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, The Daily Beast got a hot scoop that Miller is a stone-cold racist:

Among many former Trump administration officials, her departure is a welcome shake-up. During most of her time in the administration, Nielsen and Miller were at odds. In fact, their working relationship became so tense that the two could barely be in the same room without making other top officials uncomfortable, two knowledgeable sources told The Daily Beast.

“Miller thought Nielsen was a soft-on-the-border Bushy, and she thought he was an egomaniacal lunatic who hated brown people. Needless to say, that made for awkward moments in the Oval [Office] and Cabinet Room,” said a former senior Trump administration official who has been in the room with both numerous times. The ex-official also described their professional relationship as one of clear “mutual disgust.”

Did you get that? An unnamed source said that Kirstjen Nielsen thinks that Stephen Miller hates “brown people.” And for some reason this unnamed source chose to share this information with The Daily Beast rather than one of the bigger fake news outlets like The WaPo or NYT. This is what passes for journalism in the Age of Trump.

Clearly the left is mounting an offensive on Stephen Miller, accusing him of flagrant Nazism. What comes next will be an idiotic tweet from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that will certainly contain factual errors regarding the Constitution and the economy. Then, the talking heads on CNN will repeat these lies that Miller is a white nationalist and brown people-hater as if they were facts. After that, the House democrats will open 15 separate investigations into Miller’s ties to white nationalism and finally Reps Maxine Waters and Al Green will cite his racism in Articles of Impeachment against President Trump.

As for Omar, she has a very public record of her anti-Semitism and her party has chosen to ignore that. It is clear that the democrats’ failure to condemn Omar for her hatred has emboldened her to be even more hateful to the point where she is accusing a Jewish man of being the real Jew-hater.