Beto Cranks Out More Whoppers Then Burger King; WAPO Calls Him Out For Latest Fib

Things are starting to get crazy when the liars are calling out the liars…

Betomania just took a big hit when the Washington Post of all places felt compelled to call out truth-challenged Democrat Beto O’Rourke who has recently come under greater scrutiny.

Thanks to the media, the charismatic young congressman was vaulted to the forefront of the pack of candidates who are vying for the prize of getting creamed by President Trump in next year’s election.

However, it soon became clear that the quirky Beto just wasn’t ready for the big leagues.

Not even accolades from the celebrity elite and an HBO documentary were able to make up for his horrifically botched campaign rollout as well as a series of unflattering stories from his youth but his team regrouped and relaunched with rallies in three Texas cities before the 46-year-old hit the hustings.

Some have called Beto “Kennedyesque” but in reality, he is more Clintonian as this incredible flurry of FIVE lies in less than one minute demonstrates:

When you get right down to it, Robert Francis O’Rourke’s entire spiel is a fraud. From his phony nickname “Beto” that allows him to pander to Latinos to his promotion of socialism despite himself having been born with a silver spoon in his mouth and that was before he married a billionaire heiress.

Beto’s lies have piled up so quickly that even the WaPo (not known for being a finely tuned BS detector) had little choice but to call him on his fudging on the truth of how long that the United States has been militarily involved in Iraq; O’Rourke was given the dreaded “three Pinocchios” for that one.

Via The Washington Free Beacon, “WaPo Gives O’Rourke ‘Three Pinocchios’ for Claim U.S. Has Spent ’27 Years’ in Iraq”:

The Washington Post‘s fact checker gave Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke a “Three Pinocchios” rating for claiming the United States been involved in Iraq for “27-years.”

O’Rourke has repeatedly denounced America’s “endless wars” since announcing his campaign for president last month. The “political math” utilized by the Texas Democrat to measure the length of those wars, however, caught the Post’s attention as inaccurate.

“And then if we really mean it, if we really mean it, we will ensure that this country does not start yet another war before every peaceful, diplomatic, nonviolent alternative is explored and pursued,” O’Rourke told an audience in El Paso, Texas on March 30. “And those wars that we ask our fellow Americans, these service members to fight on our behalf, 17 years and counting in Afghanistan, 27 years and counting in Iraq, let’s bring these wars to a close and bring these service members back home to their families, to their communities and to their country.”

O’Rourke repeated the claim only days later while campaigning in Iowa.

“Do we really want to fight wars forever?” O’Rourke asked an audience on April 3. “Twenty-seven years in Iraq, 18 years, almost, in Afghanistan and counting with no definition or strategy or end in sight. Trillions of dollars we are spending to fight and to rebuild countries that we’ve invaded.”

It’s not the first time that the WaPo has bestowed the dubious honor on O’Rourke either – he got FOUR Pinocchios for last year’s lie that he didn’t flee the scene in the now infamous 1998 DWI incident when Beto lost control of his car and struck another vehicle.

The real truth is that Beto cranks out more Whoppers than Burger King.

Even the most optimistic of Beto fans can’t be heartened that their guy is imploding in such a spectacular fashion nearly a year before the primaries start and things get real.