Democrats Apologize For Overreacting To Virginia Governor’s Blackface Racism

Remember when democratic Virginia Governor Ralph Northam was busted in a racist blackface controversy and soon after the VA AG had his own blackface thing? There was a brief moment where the liberal media covered this and democrats pretended to be offended, but the story quickly and conveniently went away. Well, it’s back and democrats who once called for Northam’s resignation are now apologizing for overreacting to his blatant racism. I guess they had time think and realized that things are only racist when Republicans do them.

This all started with Ralph Northam coming out in support of infanticide. Soon after somebody dug up an old year book photo showing a guy in a KKK robe standing with a man in blackface. Northam, who used to go by the nickname “Coonman” initially said he was in the photo but wouldn’t say if he was the KKK guy of the blackface guy. He then changed his mind and said he didn’t think he was either of these people, but did admit he once entered a Michael Jackson dance contest in blackface and moonwalked.

Not long after, VA Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax, who is black, was accused of rape and the VA Attorney General admitted he went to a party in blackface as well. At the time, democrats, especially black ones, demanded that Northam resign. He decided to ignore those calls and went on a “listening tour” to learn how to be less racist instead.

Now, according to Inside NoVa reports those same democrats are apologizing to Northam for calling for his resignation:

If they had to do it all over, members of the local legislative delegation acknowledge it might have been better to hit the pause button before rushing in to judge the actions of embattled statewide officeholders.

In the cases of Northam and Fairfax, a number of local legislators were out early demanding their fellow Democrats to resign. The calls came either individually, or through the Democratic caucuses in the state Senate and House of Delegates.

“There were a lot of life lessons” learned from the wreckage in Richmond, said state Sen. Janet Howell (D-32nd). Chief among them? “Don’t rush to judgment.”

“I’m sorry we did,” said Howell, who also pilloried national Democratic leaders and presidential candidates for weighing in, early and sometimes loudly, on the Virginia situation.

Northam is a guy called “Coonman” who took a blackface photo and moonwalked in blackface. Is it possible to rush a judgement on that? Seems pretty black and white to me. I guess that “D” after Northam’s name complicates issues, huh?

State Sen. Barbara Favola (D-31st), who was among those to call for resignations only later to backtrack, acknowledged legislators were caught up in a media firestorm. “Statements were made before people even talked to the governor,” said Favola, who long has been an ally of Northam.

“We need to contemplate first,” Ebbin said, noting that the Democratic caucuses and specific legislators “got out ahead of things.”

“Make sure you know your facts, particularly if you know the whole world is watching,” said Del. Mark Levine (D-45th).

…lawmakers were nearly unanimous that they had learned from the experience.

And the lesson they learned is, never under any circumstances hold a member of your own party accountable for the horrible things he has done.

This is a lesson Virginia democrats learned from their national party. Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar made several anti-Simetic statements and the House democrats couldn’t bring themselves to condemn her, instead passing a resolution giving white supremacy the thumbs down.

Let’s look at some facts here: When Republican Senator Steve King made some dumb comments about white nationalism, the GOB condemned him and stripped him of all his committee positions. When Republican Florida Secretary of State Michael Ertel was busted in blackface he was asked to resign and did. This is from the party that democrats say is racist and harbors white supremacists.

Meanwhile the totally not racist democrats won’t condemn Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism and are apologizing to Ralph Northam for expressing concern over his blackface racism. They aren’t just hypocrites on sexual assault but also racism.