Hillary Clinton Claims She Didn’t Understand The Electoral College In 2016

Hillary Clinton has a lot of excuses as to why she lost the 2016 election, but her biggest one was that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to steal her rightful place in the White House away. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report found no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians, so she needs to find something else. Since she won the popular vote in 2016, but lost the Electoral College vote,naturally she wants to abolish the way this country elects its presidents. Making this the most Hillary thing ever, she’s claiming she had no knowledge or understanding about the Electoral College and the whole thing took her by surprise.

Hillary and her husband Bill continued their “Give Us Money And Tells Us We’re Relevant” tour in NYC this week. She most certainly had a bunch of “Trump stole the election” stuff in the script but had to scramble with rewrites because of recent events. This is what she came up with according to Fox News:

When asked if she ever thinks about wining the popular vote but losing the election, she replied:

“Yeah, I think that every day. The day after the election, among the many things I was doing, I was listening to the radio. They were interviewing a French political scientist who said, ‘Well I do not understand, in our country the person who wins the most votes wins.’ We are equally confused,” said Hillary.

So go run for president of France. this is the United States of America and we have a system that doesn’t give all of the power to a few more populous tstaes. The great thing here is that Hillary claims she was confused by the result of the election and more specifically how the Electoral College works. What’s she’s saying is she had no f*cking idea that the popular vote doesn’t mean crap.

Obviously if she had been aware of the EC, she would have campaigned in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. According to her, she’s the victim of a cruel prank. Nobody ever told her that US presidents are elected by state electors and not just by the liberal suck wads in California and New York.

Sure, her husband Bill ran for president and won twice by winning the Electoral Collge vote, but she was too busy with securities fraud and killing Vince Foster to pay much attention back then.

Proving how truly full of shit she is, she then brought up something that proves she has had a deep awareness of the Electoral College for quite some time.

“I said in 2000 I think it should be abolished. We’ve evolved; one person, one vote. I had no idea that 19 years later I would feel even more strongly,” Hillary said.

Here’s a shock: Hillary did actually call for the EC to be abolished in 2000. She usually likes the reinvent her history to fit her current line of bullshit, but she actually said this after Bush beat Gore:

“We are a very different country than we were 200 years ago. I believe strongly that in a democracy, we should respect the will of the people and to me, that means it’s time to do away with the Electoral College and move to the popular election of our president,” said Hillary.

But this definitely shows that she has been painfully aware of the Electoral College system for at least 19 years, including that year she got her ass handed to her by Donald Trump in an EC landslide.

Maybe if Hillary had run a better campaign or was less shitty of a person, she’d be president right now. I’m glad she’s not and as an added bonus, she won’t stop bitching about it, which gives me plenty to write about.