Michelle Obama Says America Is Sick And Trump’s A Bad Dad

She may no longer be first lady but Michele Obama is still very annoying. I’m guessing that’s something she brought to the White House and can’t seem to shake. Her latest bit of irritation has her calling the United States “sick” and comparing President Trump to a shitty part-time dad. That one moment when she was proud to be an American (when Barack was elected) has passed and she’s back to being a hater.

Obama spoke in London to promote her memoir Becoming recently. I thought it was a book about how she became a woman, but apparently it’s more related to the development of her contempt for this country.

“We come from a broken family, we are a little unsettled. Sometimes you spend the weekend with divorced dad. That feels like fun but then you get sick. That is what America is going through. We are living with divorced dad,” said Michelle.

We know that the Obamas are terrified to utter Donald Trump’s name, but clearly Michelle is talking about the President here. In her opinion, America is very sick and unfortunately under the care of a crappy weekend dad who doesn’t give a shit.

There’s so much wrong here, which I think is a testament to what an awful person Michelle Obama is. First, she’s throwing divorced dads under the bus, saying that they are all uncaring and negligent. I know Barack comes from a broken home and his dad was an absentee piece of garbage, but many divorced dads are awesome. My dad raised me on his own from the time I was 2 and he did a solid job.

Next is the problem that Michelle thinks Trump’s presidency started out fun, but now we are all sick and need to get rid of him. Trump’s presidency has never been fun for leftists, but for the rest of us it’s been great. He’s unfucked almost all of the damage the Obamas did, turned around the economy, put people back to work, and made peace across the world.

In Michelle’s analogy, I’m assuming that if Trump is “bad dad” that makes Hillary Clinton “good mom.” Even a weekend with that witch would have killed off all of the children because somehow she’s actually worse than Obama. Hillary is like a mom who leaves her kids in a seedy motel room while she goes out drinking and whoring.

The worst part about this is Michelle continues to talk shit about President Trump and America. What happened to that thing they said when they left office about not delving into politics or being critical of the next administration? Both of the Obamas have been in a constant state of taking shots at Trump, his good work, and the people who support him.

Michelle then proved she’s really bad at analogies by using another one to slam Trump:

“It is like swimming in the ocean with great waves. If you are not a great swimmer, you are not going to learn in the middle of a tidal wave. You are going to resort to your kicking and drowning and what you knew how to do in the pool,” said Michelle.

Huh? Despite being attacked from all sides, Trump has done an incredible job as president and has a huge list of achievements in just 2 years to back that up. Barack was president for 8 years and accomplished nothing that couldn’t be instantly undone by the stroke of Trump’s pen. If Trump is drowning, how would you describe Barack? Dead at the bottom of the ocean with a squid sucking his face off?

Now let’s do an analogy for Obama’s presidency: It was like having an unprepared disinterested bum who did nothing but play identity politics, embarrass the country, and hang out with celebrities at taxpayer expense. Oh wait, that’s not a analogy, that’s exactly what 8 years of Obama was. Well that and the mom jeans.