Blue City Invested in ‘Green’ Snowplows—Then Was Hit with Harsh Reality

The Regime has been pushing for a “green” revolution. In fact, D.C. dumped billions of dollars into green technology—with middling results.

This from

Believing this was the future, some blue states aggressively started transitioning to “alternative” energy. New Jersey installed wind turbines off the coast—which some now claim are killing whales.

Another blue state thought it was time to switch to electric snowplows. But with the first whiff of snow, they learned a harsh reality.

From Breitbart:

New York is staying with traditional diesel-powered snowplows after rejecting electric vehicles proposed as a replacement…

Essanews reports the move has been a failure. The reason was given as a simple lack of power…

Consequently, the electric vehicle’s power supply was insufficient for the demands of a New York winter, known for its heavy snowfall.

New York City considered buying electric Mack trucks for the upcoming winter snowfall. The goal was to equip these trucks with snowplows while removing garbage. But they quickly learned these “clean” electric trucks could not provide enough power to do the job.

Studies showed that electric vehicles needed to be in ‘constant movement,’ which made collecting trash impossible. The buildup of snow in front of the vehicle proved to be too much for the electric motors.

NOTE: Snowplows plow snow, so there will always be resistance.

The trucks’ power supplies could not meet the demands of a New York winter, which often sees large dumps of snow, especially in January and February.

The city has been forced to ditch this plan and stick with traditional diesel-powered snowplows.

Many have been critical of the Left’s mad dash for “green” technology:

 – The [Regime’s] ban on drilling for oil and gas has seen dramatic increases in the cost of electricity.

– Car companies are losing billions after making too many EVs.

– Americans are refusing to buy electric vehicles because they lack the range of a gas-powered car.

– Fuel cell-powered cars have been largely rejected, in favor of EVs that put huge demand on the grid.

Critics have also questioned why communists/globalists are focusing solely on EVs when there are other viable alternatives. Diesel-powered vehicles use less fuel than regular gas-powered vehicles, yet they are overlooked.

It is possible that communists/globalists are pushing EVs at the behest of corporate lobbyists, despite the best interests of Americans.

Final thought: The elephant in the room is the Obama fundamental Transformation of America. Every little bit of failure further diminishes America and further advances the Obama/globalist agenda.