Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Monday, UGH!

The Party of Bias and Bigotry

Via American Greatness

Let’s review: one individual, Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), consistently minimizes terrorism while condemning efforts to combat it. Prior to coming to Congress, she wrote to a judge to request leniency for a man convicted on terrorism-related charges. She laughed in an interview when discussing how a professor’s reaction to mentions of al-Qaeda or Hezbollah differed from when America or England were mentioned.

And during a speech on behalf of a group created at the behest of the Muslim Brotherhood, she expressed an offhand dismissal of the worst act of terrorism in U.S. history.

A second individual, President Donald Trump, tweeted a video of her comment alongside images of the horrific act of terrorism to which she referred, pointing out how callous it was to brush off that traumatic event as “some people did something.”

Without question, one of these two individuals made comments “designed to incite hatred” that are putting “life at risk.” But according to leading Democrats, that person would be the president and not Omar. One could hardly look for a better example of the inversion of morality, and of hater and hated.

The more one studies her remarks, objectively and in full context, the more obvious it becomes that Ilhan Omar is a bigot of the most vile sort. Her “some people did something” speech was a whitewash of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which she claimed was founded after 9/11 to protect Muslim-Americans from Islamophobia. In reality, CAIR was founded in 1994, long before 9/11. Its goal was not to defend the rights of Muslims, but to promote the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and thus offer indirect support for global terrorism.

Because the United States looks narrowly at the proven activities of each individual organization, the federal government does not classify CAIR as a terrorist organization. But the United Arab Emirates looks at the broader ecosystem behind the Muslim Brotherhood, and on that basis, it does so characterize CAIR. That is the group Omar portrayed as a civil rights organization.

Her characterization of Jews as a secret cabal hiding its evil from a gullible world, using ill-gotten gains to buy influence and control, is by no means original. It is without question the single most dangerous, murderous lie in world history. Yet, after her latest go-round with this same sad canard, Democrats found themselves unable to condemn it—instead producing a hopelessly weak resolution that listed Pacific Islanders before Jews on its list of those targeted by hate.

Read the entire article HERE.

How to Turn America into a Shit-hole Country in 4 Easy Steps

Via The Daily Bell

Opening up the floodgates of immigration to people from shit-hole countries would not actually be a problem if America was a free country.

If people were free to keep what they earn instead of having it redistributed, free to defend themselves and their loved ones wherever they went, free to become entrepreneurs without impossible protectionist regulations, America would absorb and assimilate any number of immigrants and refugees.

That’s what happened when Ireland, Italy, and Scotland were shit-hole countries where my ancestors emigrated from. The Irish were poor as dirt, fleeing a famine. The Italians brought the murderous Mafia.

And according to Thomas Sowell in his book Black Rednecks, White Liberals, the Scottish immigrants started the southern redneck culture, ready to fight and kill at the tiniest insult to defend their “honor.”

But a lot has changed since then. You can’t leave your home without breaking a law, so American policing agencies would have to spend a lot of time, energy, and tax dollars beating the ‘Merica into new immigrants.

But why blame the immigrants instead of the system?

Here’s how politicians are turning America into a shithole country.

Read the entire article HERE.

Kate Smith Controversy Embodies Modern Day Sports Absurdity

By Clay Travis

How scary is this? A couple of people email a team allegations and the next thing you know the team tries to erase that individual’s existence.

For those who ask why a story like this matters, it’s because of the precedent that’s being set. When you respond in this manner to a social justice warrior allegation, you don’t put out the fire of their outrage, you encourage it to continue and move on to the next target.

These perpetually aggrieved and offended people are never happy and satisfied, they just move on to the next outrage and repeat the process over and over again.

Now you might find it a bit strange that Kate Smith has a statue at all outside the Flyers arena, but Smith’s connection to the Flyers has become a part of team lore. When they played Smith’s “God Bless America” in the arena, a tradition that began in the 1960’s, their team record was outstanding. So the trend grew, eventually leading to Smith herself attending big games and singing before the games commenced. After Smith sang before the Flyers 1974 Stanley Cup championship, she’d become such a fan favorite that she got her own statue, a part of team legend and lore.

But that all changed this week with both the Yankees and the Flyers when team executives panicked over a few emails.

I want you to think about this for a moment — what kind of person scours the recording history of a woman dead for over thirty years to complain about a song recording nearly 100 years old? Is that person a normal, sane and representative example of modern American life or is that person a pathetic loser crank obsessed with being a victim?

I think we all know the answer.

So why do we keep kowtowing to the worst people in our society?

Read the entire article HERE.

‘Soylent Green’? State poised to legalize human composting

Via World Net Daily

Charlton Heston’s character in the iconic 1973 movie “Soylent Green” famously didn’t take well to the news that the ubiquitous green food reflected in the film’s title was composed of human beings.
Now, Washington is poised to be the first American state to test public reaction to turning human beings into compost that could provide nutrients for various food products.

With bipartisan majorities, the state Senate and House of Representatives on Friday approve bill 5001, titled “concerning human remains,” the Seattle Times reported.

The law would take effect May 1 if it is signed by Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee, a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

Wes McMahan, a retired cardiovascular intensive-care nurse, testified in favor of the bill, saying he is “very much in favor of the composting of human bodies.”

“When I’m done with this body that served me very well for the past 64 years, do I want to poison it with formaldehyde and other embalming chemicals? No,” McMahan said, according to the Times. “Burned? Not my first choice. But what about all the bacteria I’ve worked with so long in this body — do I want to give them a chance to do what they do naturally? I believe in doing things as naturally as possible.”

The Times said Katrina Spade of Seattle, long has had a vision for an urban, soil-based, ecologically friendly death-care option.

Read the entire article HERE.

Seattle’s Revolt Of The Elites

Via City Journal

In Seattle, people are losing patience with city leadership over the homelessness crisis, but the frustration is running in both directions: the city’s political, cultural, and academic elites are conducting their own revolt—against the people.

Since the release of Eric Johnson’s documentary Seattle Is Dying, which depicts an epidemic of street homelessness, addiction, crime, and disorder, city elites have launched a coordinated information campaign targeted at voters frustrated with the city’s response to homelessness. Earlier this month, leaked documents revealed that a group of prominent nonprofits—the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Campion Advocacy Fund, the Raikes Foundation, and the Ballmer Group—hired a PR firm, Pyramid Communications, to conduct polling, create messaging, and disseminate the resulting content through a network of silent partners in academia, the press, government, and the nonprofit sector. The campaign, #SeattleForAll, is a case study in what writer James Lindsay calls “idea laundering”—creating misinformation and legitimizing it as objective truth through repetition in sympathetic media.

Read the entire article HERE.

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