If Elected President, Kamala Harris Would Use Executive Action To Ban Guns

Kamala Harris was a prosecutor and attorney general, so presumably she knows about the law. She is a US Senator who took an oath to uphold the Constitution, so presumably she knows about civil rights. She would like to be President of the United States, so presumably she knows about the powers of the office. I think you know where I’m going with this, she doesn’t know jack shit about any of this stuff. Harris stated that if she were elected president that she would pass gun control laws with executive action, which is as unconstitutional and frightening as it sounds.

Harris did one of those unwatched CNN town halls on Monday and gave this chilling vision of what “president Cameltoe” would be like. An effeminate dork asked Harris what she would do to keep schools safe from mass shootings and predictably her answer had nothing to do with school safety. In fact, she started off by saying she wants to eliminate school safety drills. Her answer didn’t get much better after that.

“There are people in Washington DC, supposed leaders, who have failed to have the courage to reject a false choice which suggests you’re either in favor of the 2nd Amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away,” said Harris.

If you are in favor of the 2nd Amendment, you don’t believe that any form of gun control is legal. If you want to enact any form of gun control, you are not in favor of the 2nd Amendment. Where’s the false choice?

After implying that she doesn’t want to take everyones guns away, Harris then states very clearly that she wants to take everyone’s guns away.

“You know what? If you want to go hunting, that’s fine, but we need reasonable gun safety laws in this country starting with universal background checks and a renewal of the assault weapon ban,” said Harris.

Notice how she said this was her starting point? It’s already f*cked up, but she apparently has more gun control up her sleeve.

And just how will Harris ban guns? I’m glad you asked:

“Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws, and if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action,” Harris said.

That’s a really good advertisement for you to not vote for Kamala Harris, not that I think anyone reading this was considering it.

First, Harris doesn’t seem to understand the Constitutional separation of powers: Congress makes the laws, the president enforces the laws, the Supreme Court interprets the laws. There’s nothing in the Constitution that says Congress has 100 days to pass a law demanded by the president and if they fail, they president is then free to pass that law him or herself. This is simply not a real power of the presidency.

Then of course there is the sticky problem that even Congress, who gets to pass the laws, isn’t allowed to pass unconstitutional laws like banning guns. The 2nd Amendment is pretty clear that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

What Kamala Harris is promising to do if she is elected president is to violate the Constitution in a numerous ways. She plans to pass a law from the Oval Office that violates the 2nd Amendment. She also said she would get rid of due process and ban people who haven’t been convicted of a crime from owning a firearm. This is a wholesale assault on the very foundation of our country and it passes for Harris’ campaign platform.

If President Trump ever said he was going to do something this unconstitutional, democrats, Harris included, would accuse him of destroying our democracy.