Nancy Pelosi Claims That Under Her Rule Democrats Have Been The Most Productive in History

Last November the majority in the House of Representatives shifted from Republican to Democrat and that meant Nancy Pelosi was once again in charge of things. Since taking control, Pelosi and the democrats have launched about a thousand investigations into President Trump and declared publicly that anti-Semitism is only bad when it comes from the right. Besides that, the democrats have done absolutely nothing but Pelosi thinks they’ve been the most productive legislative body in the history legislative bodies. Yeah, she’s f*cking nuts.

Pelosi and Rep. Steny Hoyer penned an op/ed for CNN proclaiming their awesomeness and it’s as delusional as anything else democrats believe:

In November, the American people elected Democrats to take back the reins of power in the House of Representatives and put it back to work on their behalf. In our first 100 days in the majority, we have begun to deliver on that promise. With a dynamic, diverse and energized freshman class of 63 new members, Democrats are moving ahead with our agenda for the people: Lower health care costs and the price of prescription drugs, increase paychecks by rebuilding the infrastructure of America in a green, modern and job-creating way, and clean up corruption in Washington so that the government works for the public interest, not the special interests.

Did you notice any lower health care or prescription drug prices? I didn’t. In fact, I haven’t seen the benefits of any of this stuff Pelosi is talking about and the reason is, because they haven’t done a damn thing.

Pelosi went on to list all of the bills the democrats passed or have been meaning to pass like it means something. It turns out that bills must pass in both the House and Senate and then be signed by the president before they can become laws and the democrats haven’t had anything come close to these feats.

Here’s a sampling of the great work Pelosi thinks she’s done:

To address wage stagnation, we passed H.R. 7, the Paycheck Fairness Act, in March. This legislation, led by Rep. Rosa DeLauro, makes it harder to discriminate against women in pay and benefits.

How in the hell would this bill address wage stagnation? First of all, it’s already illegal to discriminate against someone because of their gender and second, passing a redundant law about discrimination doesn’t raise the wages of anyone. Also, wages aren’t stagnant, they have been going steadily up since Obama is no longer the president.

Pelosi also touted a bill that saved Obamacare despite the fact that a federal judge ruled it’s unconstitutional and patted herself on the back for a resolution that says NATO is awesome. This list of achievements reads like a delusional mother bragging about her unremarkable child’s participation trophies. Despite a complete lack of any tangible action, Pelosi thinks she’s doing a killer job:

These achievements alone would make the first 100 days of the new Democratic majority among the most productive in Congress’ history.

That sounds funny because democrats haven’t done a damn thing, but Pelosi may be on to something. Democrats have a history of doing nothing, so this group of do-nothing democrats could conceivably be the most productive in history. Nothing plus one is better than nothing and even nothing plus nothing is at least equal to nothing.

After touting all of her make believe achievements, Pelosi kind of acknowledged that she hasn’t really done anything because the Republican controlled Senate and White House don’t share her lunatic agenda. I say “kind of” because what she really did was threaten the Republicans in the Senate for not bowing to her non-existent authority:

It’s time for Senate Republicans to join us or pay a price with the public for their obstruction.

Was that a threat of violence? If Trump said it Pelosi would call it a threat. I guess she’s probably protected by the liberal rule of “it’s only bad when they do it.” Also, “join us or pay the price” comes off a wee bit fascist in case Pelosi gives a crap about the Democratic Party’s optics.

The funny thing is, Pelosi didn’t take any credit for the things democrats have actually done under her leadership in the first 100 days: They shut down the government because they wouldn’t spend one cent on protecting this country from a foreign invasion, passed a resolution condemning white supremacy in response to democrat Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, and decided that not colluding with the Russians may be an impeachable offense.

When someone hacks up a bunch of phlegm, they are described as having a “productive cough.” Pelosi claiming the House under her rule is the most productive in history is on the same level.