Racist Much? Joe Biden Once Voted To Reinstate Robert E. Lee’s Citizenship

Joe Biden has been a politician since the cooling of the Earth’s crust and run unsuccessfully for president more times than Hillary Clinton. Why is all of this shit just coming out now? It turns out back in the 70’s Biden actually voted to restore Confederate Genral Robert E. Lee’s citizenship. When President Trump says Lee was a great general, which he was, it’s proof he supports white supremacy. Biden voted to reinstate Lee’s citizenship, so that must make him the grand dragon of the KKK, right?

Last week Biden officially launched his 2020 presidential campaign in which he lied that President Trump said there were “very fine” neo-Nazis at the 2017 Charlottesville, VA rally. What Trump actually said that some of the people involved were historical preservationists, unassociated with white supremacy, who wanted to stop the removal of Robert E. Lee’s statue.

Following Biden’s big lie, Trump was asked about it and gave a response that sent liberals into a complete freak-out:

“I was talking about people that went because they felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee, a great general. Whether you like it or not, he was one of the great generals. I have spoken to many generals here, right at the White House, and many people thought, of the generals, they think that he was maybe their favorite general,” Trump said.

Okay, ideology aside, Robert E. Lee was actually a great general and a brilliant military mind. There’s nothing wrong with recognizing something that anyone who studies history knows. Hey, guess what? Erwin Rommel was great general too and you can acknowledge that with out endorsing the genocidal policies of Hitler and the Nazis. To the left however, Trump saying Lee was great was the same thing as supporting slavery, which let’s be frank, was more of a democrat thing.

If Trump is white supremacist for saying Robert E. Lee was great, what does the make Joe Biden who used his position as a US Senator to support the Confederate General? Check out this fun tidbit from The Daily Caller:

Former Vice President Joe Biden was a part of the 94th Congress that voted to restore Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s citizenship over 100 years after his death…

…in 1975 the Senate, which included freshman Democratic Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, unanimously approved the reinstatement of General Robert E. Lee’s citizenship to the U.S.

Independent Virginia Sen. Harry F. Byrd spearheaded the push for reinstating Lee’s citizenship posthumously, and it passed through both chambers after the House, voting 407 to 10 in favor of the reinstatement on July 23, 1975.

Obviously when the South seceded from the Union and went to war with the North, the Southern leaders and generals lost their US citizenship. Following the Civil War, many Confederate officials applied to have their citizenship reinstated. Lee was one of those and Ulysses S. Grant actually supported him, because like Trump, he recognized his greatness. Unfortunately, some of Lee’s paperwork was lost and he never got his citizenship back. He died in 1870 without his US citizenship.

Again, if liberals are going to lose their minds because Trump said Lee was great, shouldn’t their heads explode at the fact that Biden voted to reinstate his citizenship? I always asks these questions even though I already know the answer: Of course liberals won’t have a problem with this because Biden is a democrat and racism is only a thing Republicans are capable of.

It could come out that Joe Biden used to own slaves and the liberal media would say it’s not a big deal because that was a different time. A photo of Biden in blackface could surface and liberals would say that’s just part of his unique sense of humor. Video of Biden leading a KKK falling and calling for the destruction of blacks and Jews could show up on YouTube and the left would argue that his comments were taken out of context.

Think I’m exaggerating? Biden went on record as opposing racial integration and you haven’t seen one peep about it on the mainstream liberal media. Hundreds of video and photographic images of Biden creeping on women exist and the left defends his perversion as his “tactile style” of connecting with people.

As you know, I’m super-stoked about Biden’s 2020 candidacy because the guy is a nut and he’s going to do and say a ton of crazy shit, but it also looks like he’s got a closet full of hysterical skeletons. Seriously, how did none of this stuff ever come out the last bunch of times he ran for president?