Clinton-Buttigieg 2020? Crooked Hillary Meets With Mayor Pete

Never count her out because a certain soul-sucking succubus is determined to take another shot at the White House in 2020.

Embittered sore loser Hillary Clinton is once again inserting herself into the political process and it is becoming increasingly difficult to rule out the prospect that she will eventually declare her own presidential bid in 2020.

Rather than conduct herself in a dignified manner like every other loser of the vote for the entirety of U.S. history, Clinton has instead constantly worked to foment discord by attacking the man who whipped her like a dog and has generally acted like the leader of a government in exile.

Even as the number of contestants for the 2020 Democrat nomination swells to nearly twenty, the calculating and cunning matriarch of the Clinton crime family lingers in the background and biding her time until the clown car demolition derby has left the field in smoking ruins before making her move.

In the most telling indication to date that she is planning on swooping in late to rescue Democrats, Hillary is hunkering down with media sensation Pete Buttigieg who she could tab as her running mate when the time comes.

Via The Hill, “Buttigieg meets with Hillary Clinton”:

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg sat down with Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, sources tell The Hill.

Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Ind., who has been recently surging in the polls, requested the meeting, the sources say.

He’s the latest 2020 contender to meet with Clinton, the 2016 Democratic nominee, as she offers advice on what she learned from her race. Others who have met with her include Sens. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.).

“She has a lot to share and is happy to give advice to the 2020 candidates,” one Clinton ally said.

The former secretary of State met with Buttigieg at her office in New York, a source said.

Mayor Pete is the epitome of a test tube candidate created and marketed by the media in much the same manner that a similarly unaccomplished politician named Barack Obama was sold to the American public over a decade ago.

Buttigieg’s resume as the mayor of a rinky-dink college city is hardly the stuff that would qualify a person for a high-pressure job as the leader of the free world where filling potholes doesn’t make up for a complete lack of foreign policy chops.

But it is Mayor Pete’s compelling story of being openly gay and having a hunky hubby who the leftist press has fallen head over heels for that puts him far above the rest of the field which is either bat guano crazy or too socialist to be electable.

His real value would be as a vice presidential candidate and one who may be able to help Hillary appeal to those white working-class voters in the Midwest who after voting for Obama, became what could be called “Trump Democrats” and were the ones who thwarted Clinton’s dreams.

That Buttigieg has been given a private consultation with Hillary should put the rest of the Dems on alert that the rumors of her political demise have been greatly exaggerated.