Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain


There Are None So Blind, As Those Who Will Not See”

By Ben Garrison

Under Obama, the Democrats weaponized our justice system.

Hillary was able to buy a fake dossier and get it used as an excuse to spy on the Trump campaign. Mueller and Comey were allies of the Clintons. Mueller delivered uranium samples to Russia as part as the Uranium One deal. As a result, Bill received $500,000 for short speech in Moscow.

Hillary gave Russia 20 percent of our uranium reserves in exchange for $145 million sent to The Clinton Foundation. THAT was the real Russia collusion engaged in by the corrupt kleptocrats, but Mueller chose to spend two years and $35 million on a wild goose chase to frame Trump. His job was to cash in Hillary’s ‘insurance policy’ after her failed bid for the presidency. Mueller also failed—he could find no evidence to aid him in the frame.

Still, the Democrats refuse to see reality. They’re clinging to the Russia collusion lie and now they’re attacking Attorney General Barr for telling us what is obvious: There was no collusion or obstruction.

The left often likes to see what they want to see. After all, that’s what cultural and moral relativism is all about. To them, there is no right or wrong, just what they think is right or wrong. They think abortion at birth is right, and a ‘right.’ They think MAGA hat wearers are ‘Nazis.’ They think Christians are evil bigots. They think a man can be a woman just because he wants to be. They think it’s ‘hate speech’ if you say that man pretending to be a woman is really a man. (The left gets to decide what hate speech is). They think diversity is strength and can’t get enough of it—therefore, open borders are a great thing because they welcome anyone in the world come to America and get free stuff from US taxpayers.

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They think no citizen should own a gun—they should all be owned by our benevolent government instead—to keep us all in line. They think socialism is good and capitalism is evil.

In the Democrat Socialists’ upside down world, the ‘truth’ is what they want it to be. They hate Trump and will see any lie as truth in order to impeach him. At this point it amounts to sedition. They are doing their best to keep a lawfully elected president from doing his job.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Here’s The Full Story of How Obama, Hillary and Brennan Carried Out The Crime of the Century

Via Big League Politics

The “Operation Crossfire Hurricane” plot against President Donald Trump is now exposed for the world to see, with special counsel Robert Mueller coming up empty in his quest to pin Trump with Russian collusion or obstruction of justice.

We have explosive information about this scheme, including the involvement of former president Barack Obama, Obama intelligence officials John Brennan and James Clapper, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok, the Fusion GPS set-up agent Natalia Veselnitskaya, and even foreign leaders including Angela Merkel.

This article will firmly demonstrate the following:

  1. Hillary Clinton’s campaign used the Christopher Steele dossier before their involvement was covered up
  2. Senior Obama administration officials secretly plotted to involve senators in the “Russia” conspiracy
  3. James Clapper tried to use the “Russia” narrative to get the Supreme Court to invalidate Trump’s presidency
  4. Natalia Veselnitskaya was a Fusion GPS set-up agent who worked out of an Obama official’s office in D.C.
  5. Peter Strzok ran point on destroying General Flynn and covering up for Hillary Clinton
  6. Barack Obama used foreign powers to keep the scheme going, even after he left the Oval Office to President Trump

HILLARY Used The Dossier During Her Campaign

The Hillary Clinton campaign issued a press release on September 24, 2016 promoting information from the Christopher Steele dossier.

That press release has almost completely been scrubbed from the Internet, but is preserved in at least one tweet and in an Internet archive sponsored by The American Presidency Project.

The Clinton campaign, which funded the debunked dossier in an effort to obtain a FISA warrant to surveil Trump Tower, actively promoted a “Bombshell Report About Trump Aide’s Chilling Ties To Kremlin.” The Trump aide with the purported Kremlin ties was Carter Page. The “bombshell report” was a Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff headlined “U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin.”

Rep. Devin Nunes’ intelligence memo makes clear that Isikoff’s article, which was promoted by the Clinton campaign, used Christopher Steele as its source and was used to help obtain the FISA warrant. The FISA warrant application falsely states that Steele did not leak information to Yahoo News.

“We’ve never seen anything like this in American politics,” Hillary for America says in its statement, which called the information in Isikoff’s article “chilling.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Leaky Bob is Desperate to Slow the Reckoning

Via American Greatness

Don’t fool yourself. This latest assault on Attorney General Barr is a coordinated hit job cooked up between the media, the special counsel, and their allies in Congress. And it has only one purpose, to stop or slow Barr’s inquiry into the gross abuses leading up to the effort to spy on the Trump campaign.

Shortly after arriving at the Department of Justice, Attorney General William Barr directed the Mueller team to prepare their report so the grand jury information that could not be disclosed could be readily identified and redacted in order to make the fastest possible release to the public. He did it again March 5, 2019, when the attorney general met with the special counsel to instruct him to prepare the report with an eye towards making the redactions as easy as possible. “I asked that they [the Mueller team] identify [grand jury] material.” When he received the report on March 22, it was clear that Mueller defied Barr’s request. “Unfortunately, it did not come in that form,” and Barr quickly realized that it would take “3 or 4 weeks” to untangle the mess Mueller made.

I explained exactly why Mueller defied Barr here: “By salting the report with grand jury information that required redaction, Mueller guarantees the president remains subject to the innuendo and suspicion that comes with unnecessary secrecy.” In other words, it was a dirty trick. Open your eyes, Mr. Attorney General, because they’re coming for you now.

“Leaky Bob” Mueller, who repeatedly has violated rules against using the newspaper as a courtroom, recently struck again leaking his March 27, 2019 letter to Attorney General Barr in which he objects to the attorney general’s failure to disclose to the public the introduction and executive summary of each volume of the special counsel’s report. Leaky Bob’s team has leaked, by one count more than 25 times, and that count needs to be updated to add several more leaks that have happened since the list was compiled.

Read the entire article HERE.

Link-banning Is Facebook’s Terrifying New Censorship Tool

Via Breitbart News

The banning of multiple political commentators from Facebook and Instagram, including conservatives Paul Joseph Watson and Laura Loomer, is an outrage against the ideals of an open Internet on its own. But beyond the bans on individuals, Facebook has deployed an even more terrifying tool of censorship — link-banning.
The mainstream media were, of course, tipped off about the bans in advance, and the Atlantic’s report contains the following eye-opening detail. Not only has Alex Jones’ personal account now been banned from Facebook, in addition to PrisonPlanet editor-in-chief and YouTube star Paul Joseph Watson, but all links to Infowars sites are now banned across the platform. Share Infowars too often, and you’ll be banned too.

Via The Atlantic:

Infowars is subject to the strictest ban. Facebook and Instagram will remove any content containing Infowars videos, radio segments, or articles (unless the post is explicitly condemning the content), and Facebook will also remove any groups set up to share Infowars content and events promoting any of the banned extremist figures, according to a company spokesperson. (Twitter, YouTube, and Apple have also banned Jones and Infowars.)

This takes censorship on social media to altogether new levels. If you post Infowars content on Facebook or Facebook-owned Instagram, your post will be removed. If you post it repeatedly, you will be banned.

Note the wording, too — you’ll be banned unless you’re condemning Infowars. Facebook is now brazenly using its power to reward certain political positions and punish others.

Read the entire article HERE.

Why Affirmative Action Is Racist And Un-American

Via The Federalist

AA was originally created to provide equal opportunity for all qualified persons. It has been reduced nowadays to a mere vehicle towards greater diversity on superficial levels, at the sacrifice of other principles that make America a great nation, including equality and fairness for all.

AA has evolved into a great irony in American life: To strengthen some groups’ ability for social mobility, other groups have to yield, stop, or be run over. In college admissions, affirmative action practices have created reverse discrimination for white Americans and blatant racism against Asian Americans.

Supporters of the policy often deny the presence of racial quotas when colleges use AA in admissions, but given the limited seats available, members of some groups are pushed aside to allow others in. Elite colleges want us to believe it is not a zero-sum game, but it is.

When race is used in admission decisions, it creates at best an illusion of diversity. Diversity should be a quality, not just a quantity. At its worst, such artificially created diversity sets one race against another and therefore loses its ability to enhance racial harmony. Instead, it breeds resentment and hostility.

Read the entire article HERE.

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