Obama Was Pissed At Hillary For Tanking The 2016 Election

Obama may be lazy but he ain’t stupid and knew that if a Republican won in 2016 his BS “executive order” presidency and legacy would be wiped out. That’s why he had his Justice Department try to rig the election and that’s why he supported Hillary Clinton. She had one job and that twas to win an election any other person on the planet would have nailed, but she blew it. Not surprisingly, Obama was and probably still is pissed at Hillary.

New York Times chief White House correspondent Peter Baker wrote a book called Obama: The Call Of History that was released in 2017. Nobody read it so he updated it with salacious details of Obama’s reaction to Hillary’s failed presidential bid.

The Daily Mail reports:

Baker writes that Obama woke up on the morning of November 8 2016 convinced he would ‘not be handing the nuclear football over to Donald Trump – the reality television star, he thought, was a joke’.

Obama arrogantly thought there was ‘no way Americans would turn on him’ even though Clinton was far from perfect.

Baker writes: ‘She was a serious and seasoned professional who had served at the highest levels of government and provided mature leadership. Just as important, she would continue his policies and cement his biggest achievements.

‘His legacy, he felt, was in safe hands’.

If you’re looking for a Clinton to lie, cheat, or rape, sure, but to hook a brother up? Not a chance.

Baker writes that Obama’s phone buzzed with an update and he said: ‘Huh. Results in Florida are looking kind of strange’.

Michelle went to bed early but as Obama watched TV he looked on in horror as Trump won Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan which had been Democratic for years.

Baker writes: ‘By the end of the evening, the unthinkable had happened’.

The jokes on you, Barry.

Obama then of course blamed the American people:

Obama struggled with what the American people had done and thought to himself that they ‘simply could not have decided to replace him with a buffoonish showman whose calling cards had been repeated bankruptcies, serial marriages and racist dog whistles’.

‘Obama may not have been on the ballot, but it was hard not to see the vote as a ‘personal insult,’ as he had called it on the campaign trail. ‘This stings,’ he said. ‘This hurts’.

Believe it, fool. Also, Obama’s calling cards had been a lack of gainful employment, a suspect history, and racist dog whistles, and for some reason the American people elected him twice.

This is funny:

But soon he was unable to contain his rage which escalated after he met Trump in the Oval Office.

Baker writes that despite being cordial in public he afterwards summoned Rhodes who told him that Trump ‘peddles in b*******’

And this is funnier:

In a stinging passage Baker writes: ‘To Obama and his team, however, the real blame lay squarely with Clinton.

‘She brought many of her troubles on herself. No one forced her to underestimate the danger in the Midwest states of Wisconsin and Michigan.

‘No one forced her to set up a private email server that would come back to haunt her.

‘No one forced her to take hundreds of thousands of dollars from Goldman Sachs and other pillars of Wall Street for speeches.

‘No one forced her to run a scripted, soulless campaign that tested eighty-five slogans before coming up with ‘Stronger Together’.

Wait, I thought Russia forced Hillary to do all of that shit. At least that’s the way she tells it.

I’d like to amend that thing I said at the beginning about Obama not being stupid. Clearly he is he was confident that Hillary Clinton was going to win. He obviously knew she was a corrupt soulless liar who was running a terrible campaign and still thought she had it the bag? That’s positively moronic.

The fun part about this will be the next time the Clintons and the Obamas get together for some bullshit liberal event. Things were already frosty between the two couples and this revelation that Obama blames Hillary for tanking the 2016 election and destroying his sad legacy should cause a deep freeze. Bill will saying something mildly racist about Barack and Michelle will be giving all kinds of “side-eye” to Hillary.