Hillary Clinton Threatens To Run Against Trump In 2020

This is one thing that would make the current 2020 democratic party clown show a circus of the absurd, and that’s to say a hundred times more hilarious. Hillary Clinton is threatening to throw her pantsuit in the ring and run against President Trump because apparently one ass-whopping by him ain’t enough for her. What makes this even funnier is that Trump double-dog dared Hillary to enter the race and she seems likes she’s willing to take the bait.

Hillary Clinton has popped out of obscurity lately and is suddenly everywhere. She’s been spotted sitting behind a mock Resolute Desk, pretending to be president, and she’s been on all the low-rated liberal cable news channels. This has driven speculation that she may be dumb enough to again run (and lose) for president:

There was also this thing:

It’s unclear what the “big news” was but probably that Hillary managed to climb a set of stairs by herself with out falling and breaking something.

President Trump noticed all of this “buzz” around Hillary potentially entering the 2020 race and did what he does best: trolled the hell out of her:

Because Hillary is as witless as she is terrible, this was her response:

Do it, crazy lady.

And she has to be insane to think she could go up against Trump again and win. She wouldn’t even be the nominee this time around because democrats are pissed at her for tanking the 2016 election and giving us President Trump. Besides, clearly the DNC is rigging the primaries in favor of Joe Biden this time around. You only get one.

It would be a fun democratic primary however: It would be 2-time loser Crooked Hillary versus 2-time loser Crazy Joe in a race in which both of them would become 3-time losers. The fact that they are both so full of crap and have endless scandals would make things even more entertaining.

While it seems like Trump is just trolling Hillary, he’s a 3-D chess master and this is all part of his plan. If he can taunt Clinton into entering the race, it will fracture the already shattered democratic party and give him a 47-state Electoral College landslide victory.

Trump previously goaded Joe Biden into running for president because he knew the former VP would be a nightmare candidate. That has proven to be true as Biden’s poll numbers and fundraising are sinking fast.

Trump also dared Nancy Pelosi and the House democrats to attempt to impeach him because he knew how politically advantageous it would be for him. The dems swallowed that dare hook, line, and sinker and are now stuck in a position where they either have to impeach him for no particular reason or admit that they tried to impeach him for no particular reason. In either case, this sad attempt to unseat the freely-elected President of the United States guaranties Trump’s reelection and will probably flip the House back to Republican control in 2020.

Democrats are not smart people and they keep taking the bait. They can’t seem to figure out that he’s playing them like xylophone but the rest of us are certainly enjoying the music.