Sloppy Joe Claims Dead Woman Hates Trump

If you didn’t already think his bullshit claims about world leaders pleading with him to run for in 2020, this should seal the deal. You see, Joe Biden claims that Margaret Thatcher is troubled that The Orange One is our President. The only problem is that she died six years ago.

Fox News reports

Biden mistakenly claims Margaret Thatcher, who died in 2013, is worried about Trump

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden reportedly had to correct himself over the weekend after telling donors Margaret Thatcher is concerned about the United States under President Trump.

Thatcher, the former prime minister of Britain, died in 2013 – nearly two years before Trump launched his first campaign for president.

According to Bloomberg News, Biden eventually corrected himself, explaining to the donors he meant to say British Prime Minister Theresa May instead of Thatcher, blaming the mix-up on a “Freudian slip.”

A Freudian slip? Meaning “an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings.” So is it that he wishes Thatcher felt that way, which she most certainly would not if she were among the living, or is it that he wishes to he could sniff her hair and do other more profoundly perverted things to her corpse? We all know Joe is a perv, and Freud was also. It’s interesting.that a liberal would cite Freud, who once said, “Women oppose change, receive passively, and add nothing of their own,” and was a raging cocaine addict. Maybe Joe has penis envy? Thatcher, after all, had more balls than he ever will.

Biden’s confusing comments came Saturday during a closed-door fundraiser in Columbia, South Carolina. He listed Thatcher as one of 14 heads of state who he claimed have voiced concerns to him about Trump, the outlet reported.

May has been prime minister since 2016. Thatcher resigned as prime minister in 1990.

During his fundraiser swing in South Carolina, Biden also took a page out of Trump’s playbook on Saturday when asked if he had a nickname for the president. Biden reportedly said he didn’t want to get down in the mud with Trump, but if he had to choose a moniker for the current White House occupant it would be a “clown.”

“There’s so many nicknames I’m inclined to give this guy,” Biden said, according to Politico. “You can just start with clown.”

So original. There’s so many names we can give you as well. Sloppy Joe, Sleepy Joe, Creepy Joe, Sniffy Joe, Gropey Joe, Grabby Joe, Shit Show Joe . . . or how about just Jenkem Joe? We can do this all day, Jerk-Off Joe. Can you?