Joe Biden Says We Are Obligated To Give Illegal Aliens Free Health Care

Obama won the lie of the century by saying that under the Affordable Care Act “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” The former president also said that his namesake legislation would not be available to illegal aliens. Joe Biden, former VP and current front runner to lose in 2020, wants to make that an even bigger lie. Biden, who at the time called ObamaCare a “big f*cking deal” now says we must give free health care to illegal immigrants.

While campaigning in Los Angeles Biden was asked if illegals should be eligible for government programs like Medicaid.

“Look, I think that anyone who is in the situation where they are in need of health care, regardless of wether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they’re cared for,” said Biden.

Obligated? Illegal immigrants are in this country without permission, which is why we went to the trouble to designate them “illegal.” They aren’t supposed to be here and we owe them nothing. They aren’t entitled to our money or anything else. Why is that so hard for liberals to understand?

If you thought your ObamaCare coverage was shitty and your premiums high, wait until the democrats throw 20 million illegal aliens into the mix. You’re going to have to wait a full year to see a doctor and it’ll cost you a thousand bucks in a co-pay just to get in the door.

Going back to Biden calling ObamaCare a BFD when it passed, clearly he has had a change of heart. The ACA is not supposed to extend to illegal aliens and yet here is Biden saying it should. Could it be he doesn’t think Obama’s law is all that great? No wonder Obama won’t endorse Biden for the democratic party nomination.

Biden also indicated that illegal aliens should get free health care because they didn’t sneak across the border, but rather just overstayed their visas.

“This idea that undocumented, and by the way a significant portion of undocted undocumented folks in this country are there because they overstayed their visas. It’s not people breaking down gates, coming across the border,” said Biden.

Well no, they aren’t “there” they are here and who cares how they got here? The important point is they shouldn’t be here and don’t deserve our money. It’s Biden’s position that as long as illegal aliens don’t destroy a gate, we are obligated to give them free health care.

And because this is Crazy Joe, you know we weren’t getting out of here with out some of his trademarked insanity. He claimed the real solution to illegal immigration is to “tone down the rhetoric.” He then claimed that President Trump describes illegal aliens in “ graphic unflattering” terms by calling them “the immigrant.” He added that it was “ridiculous” for the President to refer to illegal aliens as immigrants, which is something only lying-ass democrats do.

Biden only just recently entered the 2020 race as a centrist democrat claiming to appeal to working class voters and he’s already become a radical leftist like the rest of his f*cked-up party. It’s just a matter of time before he realizes he can’t win the Democratic Party nomination without supporting reparations, open borders, and balls-to-the-wall socialism.