Lefty Law Professor Says Trump Looks Exactly Like Hitler

With the Russian collusion narrative completely obliterated the left is back to comparing President Trump to Adolf Hitler. It’s unclear how they think comparing the President to the Fuhrer is going to get Trump out of office, but then again the fake Russian conspiracy was never going to do it either. One liberal law professor has renewed the “Trump is a Nazi” narrative by claiming that the President looks exactly like Hitler.

Laurence Tribe is a law professor at Harvard and a rabid anti-Trump resister. He has quite he history of tweeting out fake news conspiracy theories against Trump, but this may be the goofiest yet:

So he’s not saying Trump is becoming Hitler, just that he looks and acts exactly like Hitler. In other words, Trump is already Hitler and has been Hitler his whole life. I’m sure there’s a distinction in there that makes sense to Tribe, but to the rest of us, it’s the same thing: Trump has an uncanny resemblance to Hitler.

Now this would be true if you didn’t have eyes or the power of perception, but there are significant physical differences between the two men. Trump is 6’ 3” while Hitler was 5’ 9”. Trump has blondish hair while Hitler’s was dark brown. Trump has no facial hair and Hitler ruined the Charley Chaplin mustache for everyone. Trump has blue eyes and a sweet spray tan while Hitler had brown eyes and was ghost white. Also their faces look nothing alike.

This meme Tribe tweeted took two pictures of Hitler and found two pictures of Trump to match his gestures and body positions. This doesn’t establish physical similarities, it just means both men have pointed and clenched their fists. Hey, check out this person who looks exactly like Hitler:

Tribe not only claims that Trump and Hitler are identical twins, he says no other US president came close to looking like the guy who orchestrated the Holocaust. Well, what about this dude?

And, f*ck it, here’s Obama doing Mussolini:

For two and half years liberals were screaming that Trump was a Russian agent who stole the 2016 election and is destroying our country. Now that the facts are in that Trump never colluded with the Russians and our country is the strongest it’s been in a generation, the lefty crybabies have to come up with something else alarming. The best they could do was “Oh yeah? Well Trump looks exactly like Hitler” and that’s just sad.