Elizabeth Warren Claims Fox News Literally Kills People

Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign is circling the drain and she only has single-digit support among democratic voters. In a move to euthanize her campaign before the primaries even start, Warren has turned down an offer to host a town hall on Fox News. Sure, Warren could reach millions of people on the biggest cable news channel but according to her Fox is racist and kills people. No seriously, she said Fox news literally kills people.

After turning down the Fox News invitation, Warren took a victory lap on Twitter to show her 12 followers how courageous and principled she is:

Get ready…

Wait. What? Fox News turns us against each other and people die? Is it Fox that kills people or do they just make us kill each other? I guess it’s pretty much the same thing so either way Warren is accusing a news channel of murder and that’s exactly as crazy as it sounds.

Equally insane is her line that Fox is a “hate-for-profit racket” that gives a platform for racists. I mean sure, they invited Warren and other democrats on, but those aren’t the people they usually give a forum to. Warren of course culturally appropriated Native American heritage for career advancement and financial gain. If that ain’t hate-for-profit, I don’t know what is. Warren is basically saying that any network that would have her on is obviously racist and therefore she will refuse to appear.

Somehow the explanation to turn down Fox got dumber:

So CNN and MSNBC don’t sell ads? Every channel on TV that isn’t a premium service sells ad time and tries to get bigger ratings to bring in more revenue. Warren just described the basic business model for television since its invention. For some reason however, only Fox News is evil for doing this.

Well no, Fox is not struggling. They are the #1 cable news network by a wide margin and rake in the dough. CNN is struggling and MSNBC is barely getting by, but Fox is kicking ass.

I have news for Warren. If she did a town hall on Fox it would be the least watched thing on the network for the entire month. Fox knows that town halls with democrats aren’t ratings bonanzas, but does them in the interest of balanced political coverage. Not bad for a racist network that kills people, huh?

She’s done over 70 town halls in 17 states since January and this is the first anyone has heard of it? Wow, turning down Fox for a town hall seems like an even bigger mistake.

She’s so brave, isn’t she? Or what I meant to say was that she thinks she’s a Brave. I know she claims to be an Indian princess, but that’s not a female hairdo.