New Zealand PM Doesn’t Understand Why America Doesn’t Ban Guns Like Her Silly Country

There was a mass shooting in New Zealand last March and in a matter of days the country knee-jerked a gun ban and confiscation. NZ’s prime minister is not only proud of the way she decimated her citizen’s rights, she think everyone should do it. In an interview with CNN Jacinda Ardern said she was confused as to why American politicians don’t just snatch up everyone’s guns and be done with it.

New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern sat down with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour to celebrate disarming law-abiding people to keep them safe.

Amanpour noted that “even president Obama” couldn’t take away our guns, “after the massacre of children at Sandyhook.”

“You can draw a line and say that does not mean that you need access to military-style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles,” said Ardern.

I’m not a liberal so I’m sorry but I don’t know the difference between “military-style semi-automatic weapons” and “assault rifles.” Aren’t they the same thing according to liberals?

“New Zealanders by and large absolutely agree with that position,” continued Ardern.

Either she’s lying that New Zealanders were cool with being forced to give up their guns or New Zealanders are idiots. Either way, that has no bearing on our country, but that didn’t stop the NZ PM from trying to force her anti-gun agenda on the United States.

“Australia experienced a massacre and changed their laws. New Zealand had its experience and change the laws. To be honest with you, I do not understand the United States,” said Ardern.

So the leader of a foreign government doesn’t understand why US politicians can’t just pass some laws and take all of our guns away? I guess the easier way to make her get it is the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. Unlike her silly country, we have inalienable right that are protected by our founding document.

Even Obama couldn’t strip us of our gun ownership rights because the 2nd Amendment says the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. There’s no clause that says anything about needing a gun nor is there an asterisk giving the government permission to take guns away because a bad guy did an illegal thing with one.

See, our Founding Fathers were smart and they understood that the worst thing the government could do is deprive people of their liberty. That’s why they wrote down all of our natural born rights with a strong reminder to tyrants and liberals not to f*ck with those rights. They also put in some serious checks and balances to keep lunatics from seizing power and stomping our rights.

I’m not an expert on New Zealand’s laws or constitution, but clearly they don’t have anything like our 2nd Amendment because the government done took everyone’s guns rights away in a matter of weeks. Maybe next week they’ll start telling people what they are allowed to think and the people will be powerless to resist. Quite frankly, it sounds like a really shitty place to live. For some reason I’m attached the the freedom we all enjoy as Americans.

So Jacinda Ardern doesn’t understand why the US government doesn’t just take all of our guns? Good. That’s one of the many reasons why she isn’t President of the United States. Those hideous donkey teeth are another.