Bernie Sanders Says Abortion Is A Constitutional Right

Alabama has a piece of pending legislation that bans almost all abortions, which of course has set the pro-baby killing left off like no other thing. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is not about to let this go without trying to score some points for his sagging campaign, so he has proclaimed that abortion is a Constitutional right. It may be a right defined in the Communist Manifesto, but I can assure him it is not an enumerated right in the US Constitution.

With Alabama’s abortion ban headed for the governor’s desk to be signed into law, Bernie threw this out to the Twittersphere:

And he also used this false statement to push his false promise of unfettered socialism:

Turning the United States into a communist country is already going to be a hard-sell and promising free abortions for all is not going to help that one bit.

Getting back to Bernie’s claim that abortion is a Constitutional right, what is he smoking? Nowhere in the Bill of Rights does it say people have a right to kill their unoborn babies as a matter of convenience. In fact, the word “abortion” doesn’t appear anywhere in the document. Gun ownership is a right and saying stupid shit is a right, but killing babies is simply not covered.

The 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, which legalized abortion, states that women have a right to privacy and due process therefore killing babies is cool. It’s literally the worst decision the SCOTUS has ever handed down but it is settled law. Supreme Court interpretations of the law are not the same thing as a right defined in the Constitution however, and this decision didn’t create an abortion amendment.

Ironically, Roe v. Wade cites the Due Process Clauses of the 5th and 14th Amendments as the reason why abortion should be legal. Here’s what those clauses actually say:

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law …

[N]or shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law …

So no person shall be deprived of life without their day in court means that women can walk into an abortion clinic and kill their unborn babies? It seems like these clauses would support the idea that abortion is unconstitutional, doesn’t it? Like I said, Roe v. Wade was the worst Supreme Court decision ever.

Sorry Bernie, abortion is not a Constitutional right and neither are “free” health care or socialism.

The problem is that democrats have skewed understanding of the Constitution and make stuff up to suit their insanity. They think that free speech is only projected if it’s speech they approve of. They believe that gun ownership is more a privilege that can be regulated and restricted. They straight-up invent rights like abortion, education, and health care. They view the Constitution as a document that allows the government to limit the people’s rights.

The real purpose of the Constitution is to keep power-mad tyrants from stripping the people of their freedom and liberty. Our Founding Fathers may have not been able to conceive of modern firearms as liberals claim, but they saw the modern democratic party coming from over 200 years away.