Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Thank God It’s FRIDAY!

Barr’s Investigator John Durham Once Probed Mueller In A Shocking Case

Via Zero Hedge

Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham was appointed to investigate the origins of the Russia-Trump probe. Apparently, he has been on the job for weeks.

Durham is the perfect investigator for the job by all accounts and he had experience with Robert Mueller in the Whitey Bulger case.

He did not side with Mueller and Mueller’s agents suffered the consequences of Mueller’s, some would say, corrupt leadership.

Back in the late 1990s, there were “allegations that FBI informants James ‘Whitey’ Bulger and Stephen ‘The Rifleman’ Flemmi had corrupted their handlers.

So, in 1999, Janet Reno appointed John Durham as Special Prosecutor and charged him with investigating FBI corruption in Boston.

As it turned out, FBI agents aided mass murderer, Whitey Bulger and hid his crimes. Bulger was a protected informant.

Durham sent one agent involved to prison for 10 years.

Then-US Attorney, Robert Mueller is probably the one who should have landed in the pen. He allowed four innocent men to be sent to prison for a murder he knew they didn’t commit. He did it to protect Bulger.

One of the four men was in Florida at the time of the murder and could not have committed the murder.

When Durham went through the documents. He found that the four men, Enrico Tameleo, Joseph Salvati, Peter J. Limone, and Louis Greco, had actually been framed.

Four people who were innocent were kept in jail for years in order to protect the status of Whitey Bulger as an FBI informant.

Read the entire article HERE.

Senate Should Call Hunter Biden to Testify on China and Ukraine Deals

Via Breitbart News

Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and senior editor-at-large at Breitbart News, advised the Senate to call on Hunter Biden to testify about business dealings in China and Ukraine, offering his recommendation in a Wednesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.
The Senate should call Hunter Biden to testify before a committee regarding his business dealings in China and Ukraine, advised Schweizer.

“We need to begin at the headwaters of this whole story, which is the simple question: He was brought on the board of the Burisma corporation, he was brought on to do regulatory compliance — which of course he had no background in, [and] he had no background in Ukraine — what precisely was he being paid to do, and why was he hired by Burisma?” asked Schweizer. “That’s the first question that needs to be asked.”

Schweizer continued, “I think it is not unreasonable at all for the Senate to ask Hunter Biden to come in and testify. Why did you get a billion-dollar-plus deal with the Chinese government — a kind of deal that Goldman Sachs and nobody else got — even though he had no background in private equity and no background in China? These are very simple and basic questions that need to be asked.”

Read the entire article HERE.

The next stage in tech overlords’ censorship: De-platforming un-PC blogs

Via The American Thinker

It’s no longer just Facebook, Twitter, and Google who are censoring online content that offends political correctness., a blog-hosting site that offers anyone the opportunity to create and publish a blog at no cost, has decided to de-platform — in other words, kill — a blog that has been operating for 15 years: Creeping Sharia.

As Pamela Geller points out, this move by is itself an example of the blog’s focus of creeping sharia happening in real time. Shutting down a critic of creeping sharia is an example of creeping sharia.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Angry Mob Now Controls The Democratic Party

Via The Daily Caller

Joe Biden has angered the new head of the Democratic Party, socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The freshman Congresswoman attacked the former vice president over a suggestion a staffer made that compromise and a middle way might be necessary and acceptable on climate change. For AOC, there is no compromise. Biden, after being criticized, disavowed the idea, embracing the radical left position. That’s a lot of things, but none of them could be considered leadership or courage.

Beto O’Rourke is sorry. He’s sorry he’s white, that he’s male, that he’s wealthy, that’s he’s made harmless jokes, and appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair. Basically, he’s sorry he exists, and he apologized for all of it on The View yesterday after he “relaunched” his floundering presidential campaign. It was pathetic. But one this is beyond question — Beto is sorry, just not in the apologetic way.

The AFL-CIO, one of the biggest supporters of the Democratic Party, has now openly embraced communism. Retweeting a video by a new self-described “anti-capitalist” streaming service, the powerful union declared “We all need to seize the means of production,” a Marxist mantra espoused in the video. It wasn’t that long ago that the idea of a major political party embracing socialism seemed impossible, now an appendage of the Democratic Party blew right past it to communism.

Read the entire article HERE.

Is Iran Hysteria The New Russia Hysteria?

Via The Federalist

Were the establishment media to be believed, President Trump is spoiling for a shooting war with Iran. In articles mostly targeting fiercely mustachioed National Security Adviser John Bolton, The New York Times, CNN, NBC, The New Yorker, The Guardian, and even USA Today are running hot takes contending we are marching to the brink.

A closer look suggests the story so far is much less about Trump war-mongering and more about media fear-mongering. With Special Counsel Robert Mueller putting to rest years of media speculation that Trump was a Russian asset, it is as if Trump’s opponents need a new reason why he should frighten voters.

At the generally neoconservative Commentary magazine, Noah Rothman set forth the case that the war drums are not beating at the White House. In response, Jonathan Chait wrote a column headlined “Conservative Columnist Urges War With Iran Over 2 Percent Oil Price Hike,” even though Rothman wrote military action “would be counterproductive to the [Trump] strategy they are currently pursuing, which consists of imposing broad economic sanctions on Iran to harden grassroots resistance to the regime in the hopes of catalyzing a revolution.” It seems as though the antiwar left will not take “no war” for an answer.

Read the entire article HERE.

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