Who Wants To Hear Rep. Jackie Speier Talk About Her Vagina?

Hey, did I just stumble upon the opposite of click-bait with that headline? Maybe if I asked who wants to see the Hillary Clinton sex tape it would have been a little more click-repellent, but this will still invoke nightmares. Rep. Jackie Speier, like all democrats, is fuming mad that states like Alabama have been passing laws to protect unborn babies. Her awful way of countering a baby’s right to life was to give a detailed description of her own abortion, followed immediately be her proclaiming nobody should have any opinions on her vagina.

Speier was on CNN bitching about living babies being born when the subject turned to her abortion.

“It was a second trimester abortion, the fetus had dropped through the cervix and into the vagina. It was a painful process, and it was incumbent on me to do it at that time, the fetus was not going to survive outside of the womb,” said Speier.

See the thing is, what she is describing is a pregnancy with a baby that was going to die and put the mother’s life in danger. There is no law in Alabama or anywhere else that would stop an abortion in a case such as this. What the laws she’s fighting against ban are healthy women killing viable babies as a matter of convenience.

“The government has no right in my uterus, has no right in my vagina, and it’s time for us to be very clear and straightforward about that,” Speier said.

So as long as something is stuck up Jackie Speier’s vagina, the government has no right to know about it? What if she’s smuggling meth or having sex with an underage boy? There’s plenty of things that could be in there that are of great concern to law enforcement, including if she wanted to kill a baby she’s carrying for no particular reason.

Somehow this abortion talk got even worse, but thankfully moved out of Speier’s vagina:

“I think that women are being depicted as chattel. That somehow we are the property of someone else,” Speier said.

Yup, she’s comparing abortion resections to slavery. I wonder what Al Sharpton thinks about this.

“I mean the truth of the matter is you don’t get pregnant unless a man put sperm into your body. And yet the whole obligation about having a child resides with the woman. And if we are going to start regulating women and their reproductive Health, well maybe we should start regulating men and their reproductive health,” said Speier.

If only there were some way that women could keep men from putting sperm in them. I guess since no such method exists, the next best thing is for democrats to pass a law regulating men’s sperm output. I don’t know what kind of legislation Speier has in mind, but it seems pretty unenforceable. Also “men’s reproductive health” isn’t a real thing, but then again neither is women’s reproductive health when it comes to abortion.

If women want to mutilate their own vaginas or get designer plastic surgery, that’s their right. When you introduce another human life into the equation, as with pregnancy, suddenly it’s not the same thing as getting pierced down there. The unborn baby has more of a right to live that the mother’s desire to kill it.

Democrats have a lot of techniques for ending the debate on their indefensible positions. They cuss, make threats of violence, and scream “racism!” Jackie Speier dragging her vagina into things is a new one, but liberals are innovative in being disgusting and horrible. The only place to go from here is for Chuck Schumer to talk about his pendulous old man balls, and I’d be willing to bet that happens before the end of the week.