Illegal Alien Rocky? Sadly Yes

Just when you thought Hollywood was out of ideas, they prove they never really had any ideas in the first place. Sylvester Stallone not only thinks we need more Rocky movies, but one about an illegal alien. Woke Rocky? No thanks. This is a worse idea than gun control Rambo, which is probably up next considering what an anti-gun hypocrite Stallone is. After that we’ll probably be treated to a pro-abortion Throw Momma From The Train reboot.

Stallone was at the Cannes Film Festival in France giving a talk about how he hasn’t had an original idea since the 1970’s when he created the original Rocky. Most of his future plans involve beating that dead franchise into dust. He’s got some Creed movies cooking up and there is this horrible thing as reported by The Hollywood Reporter:

He gave few details but said it would be about a boxer who has entered the country illegally and is dumped back in his home country and has to fight his way back.

“[Rocky] finds this fella in the country illegally and it becomes a whole thing,” Stallone said. “That could be different. You throw him out of the country and into another world.”

Or it could suck. Different doesn’t always mean better and an illegal alien Rocky would be significantly worse.

Stallone and the moderator then joked that this illegal alien Rocky film would bother President Trump. Despite the politically-charged nature of this shitty idea, Stallone insists he has never been political:

“I’m almost like a political atheist. [Rambo] was never supposed to be, by any means, a political statement. It became one. … I don’t think I’m smart enough. That’s not my strength. I’m not a political animal. I never have been. I don’t want to be. I’m just a storyteller,” said Stallone.

I agree that he’s not very smart (or tall) and him claiming Rambo was never supposed to be political proves what a dummy he is. The first Rambo film, First Blood, was the story of how shitty America treated veterans of the Vietnam War. In the next two Rambo films, the title character literally kills the shit out of the Russians at the height of the Cold War. Even Rocky IV is a proxy war against the Soviet Union as Rocky fights and debates the evil Russian Ivan Drago.

Not only were the Rambo and Rocky films political, there were pro-America statements, but apparently Stallone is sickened by that. He told a story about how put off he was that Ronald Reagan liked Rambo because he was a Republican. Yuck, Republicans?

Despite making all of his money playing patriotic characters, Stallone is a Hollywood liberal who hates this country like all the rest of them. He’s an anti-gun hypocrite who makes millions showing how cool and useful guns are but opposes our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. He’s also an American hypocrite for building his whole career pumping his fist in the air chanting “USA!” when he doesn’t even like this country.

For those who remember, Stallone actually avoided serving in Vietnam by moving to Sweden and coaching girl’s soccer. Plus there was that porno movie he made.

Despite what Stallone says, Rambo and Rocky were American heroes and patriots. The idea that he’s going to put an illegal alien as the hero of a Rocky film is disgusting and he’s about to get a lesson in who his fan-base is. Leftist assholes who hate this country and favor open borders are not going to pay to see a Rocky movie and neither are the red-blooded American fans of the original films.