Celebrities Try To Shame Voters With Condescending Looks

For years Hollywood has pushed their leftist political views on people and the net result has been a Republican-controlled Congress and President Donald J. Trump. I’m not saying that Hollywood has learned that their political activism has backfired spectacularly, but they seem like they are taking a different approach. Instead of telling people how to think, they have switched to giving condescending looks in hopes of shaming us into thinking the “Hollywood Way.”

Words have failed so check out this new non-verbal celebrity approach:

As you can see, big names like that chick with the horse face, that Indian or Arab guy whose name I can never remember, the Fonz, that guy who won’t finish writing Game of Thrones, and some woman who I have no idea who she is, are looking at you with disappointment. See, they want you to get out and vote and vote they way they want you to.

“Right now there’s only one voice that needs to be heard,” reads the video.

That’s right, the Hollywood voice.

And just in case you aren’t sure how these Hollywood celebrities want you to vote, fellow leftist D-lister Alyssa Milano tweeted out this witty reminder:

This is what’s known in liberal circles as “bi-partisanship.” Think and be liberal or go f*ck yourself. I bet Milano stayed up all night coming up with this intelligent political statement.

All of this has me wondering why liberals have to put so much effort into getting people to vote for democrats. It’s like no potential democrat voter is registered and they have to be coaxed and even bribed into actually showing up to the polls. Republicans are registered to vote and actually vote with no problem. Why is is so hard for people with liberal beliefs to actually give a shit and exercise their right to vote? Maybe it’s because liberalism is bullshit and not that many people are willing to put in the effort to prop that pile of crap up.

Like I said, Hollywood celebrities have tried forcing their beliefs down people’s throats and now they are giving shame a try. When that doesn’t work either, they may resort to using physical intimidation. Since that will be completely laughable, they could just stick to acting and leave the politics out of it, but we know that’ll never happen.