Hillary And Chelsea Are Starting A Hollywood Production Company

While not nearly as bad as a Hillary Clinton presidency would have been, Hillary Clinton produced entertainment will surely suck. That ain’t stopping Hillary and her insufferable daughter Chelsea from starting their own Hollywood production company to deliver insipid Hillary-related films and shows to an audience that doesn’t exist. Hey, the Obamas got an assload of cash from Netflix to make TV shows about vegetables and Hillary wants a piece of that action.

Here’s a thing from Bloomberg that nobody is asking for:

Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea are forming a production company to pursue film and television projects, making a foray into Hollywood after decades in the public eye.

Now get ready for a shock: this is just another ploy from Hillary to get her hands on other people’s money:

The two have spoken to studios about financing a pipeline of programs, said people familiar with the matter. They would give a studio first crack at releasing the projects, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the discussions are at an early stage.

First crack at a Hillary produced project? I bet studios would pay to have last crack at whatever garbage she churns out, but who wants to be first in line for this train wreck?

The family hopes to use film and television to influence culture and society now that Hillary Clinton is out of politics.

Wait, Hillary is out of politics? Did anyone tell her, because she seems to be under the impression that she won the 2016 election and is waiting for the democrats to oust Trump so she can take her rightful place on the throne.

Also, how awesome is it that Hillary and Chelsea are going to use their projects to influence culture and society? There isn’t nearly enough sociopolitical liberal crap coming out of Hollywood and thankfully these two nitwits are here to fill in the gap.

There are actually quite a lot of interesting things Hillary could produce, but she won’t. There will be no Vince Foster bio pic, Benghazi film, or documentary on Bleach Bit. So the question is, what does she plan on churning out? I’m glad you asked:

They plan to focus on stories by and about women.

All of those people Hillary’s husband Bill raped and sexually assaulted are women and they have great stories. I wonder if Hillary will option any of their stories and turn them into films. My guess would be no.

I can see two huge problems with this production company idea. The first is, when you take money to produce a film, you have to actually produce a film. Hillary has been in “public service” almost her entire life and hasn’t accomplished one single thing. If investors put money into a project, they will expect a product. It’s not like how everyone who contributed to her billion dollar 2016 presidential campaign and got nothing, studios want to see something.

The second problem, which may be bigger, is that Hillary Clinton is not interesting and people don’t care about her. She’s on tour with her hubby talking about stupid shit and they can’t even give the tickets away. Even the democrats, her own party, has had enough of her and are begging her to go away. What are the chances that someone as mind-numbingly boring as Hillary Clinton is going to produce interesting entertainment projects?

There is one bright spot in all of this. If Hillary and Chelsea start a production company, Hillary can put herself in charge. In other words, she finally gets to be president of something. I suspect that’s what’s really behind this doomed to fail business venture. Now if she could only start a company that would make Bill a non-rapist faithful husband, her life would be complete.