Stephen King Compares Trump To Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

HBO produced an unwatchable miniseries about the Soviet-era Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Because Trump Derangement Syndrome dictates that everything must be about Trump, Stephen King used his waning creativity to make it all about Trump. According to the one-time horror writer, the nuclear meltdown represents Trump’s presidency, but it would more accurate to compare it to the meltdown Hollywood entertainment types have been going through since he was elected.

Stephen King is rich and famous because of his writing, but you’d never know that by the crap he bangs out on Twitter:

Chernobyl happened in 1986 in the former Soviet Union and was a nuclear disaster, so yes it actually is possible to watch the HBO miniseries without thinking about Trump. Mostly because it has absolutely nothing to do with Trump. I would have thought it was impossible to watch this thing and think about Trump, but I’m not suffering from TDS like poor Stephen King.

Craig Mazin, the writer and producer of Chernobyl, got such a squee boner that Stephen King watched his crappy show that he sent out this reply:

So seeing Chernobyl and concluding it is an allegory for Donald Trump is watching smart? I guess all those other people who thought it was about a real nuclear disaster are dummies, huh?

This is all very lame, but thanks to former Secret Service Agent and super bad-ass Dan Bongino, it got pretty fun:

See, now that’s watching smart. Of course Chernobyl was a result of the sheer shiftiness of communism.

As a Hollywood liberal, naturally Mazin lashed out at the appropriate interpretation of his work:

And Bongino hit right back:

I doubt that Mazin even realizes it, but he just agreed with Bongino. Mazin said Chernobyl was a failure of a broken political system, which happened to be socialism, which is exactly what Bongino said.

At this point in the argument, Stephen King was no longer interested and sent out this lie:

I’m calling bullshit. Nobody ever had a tick crawling on their eyeball and thought it was a hair on his glasses. Or maybe, the tick represents Donald Trump and the eyeball is democracy and his friend is…I bet he doesn’t have any friends. He’s creepy, full of crap,  and really hard to look at.

I attempted to watch Chernobyl on HBO and could only get through the first episode. It’s really boring and the first episode is the nuclear reactor meltdown which is presumably the most interesting thing about the story, so I bailed. The real reason why the show is so bad is because all of the characters have proper British accents. Keep in mind that this a story about Russians in Soviet Russia. Why do the characters have British accents? It’s so off-putting it’s unwatchable.

Go watch The Americans. Their Russian characters have Russian accents and even speak Russian. It’s not that hard really, in fact it’s called acting, which presumably actors can do.

In addition to being a whiny liberal bitch, a TDS sufferer, and a piss-poor writer, Craig Mazin is also a shitty producer. In reality, the same thing could be said about Stephen King, plus he’s a crappy director too. Ever seen Maximum Overdrive? Then you know what I’m saying.