In Reaction To Handgun Shooting, Virginia Democrats Move To Ban ‘Assault Rifles’

There was a mass shooting in Virginia last week in which the killer used 2 legally-owned handguns. There is no law that could have prevented this but the knee-jerk democrats are up to the challenge. In reaction to a crime that involved handguns the liberal nitwits in VA are trying to ban “assault rifles.” Hey, this makes perfect sense to liberals who think dudes in dresses are women and global warming causes cold weather.

Virginia Governor Ralph ‘Coonman’ Northam held a press conference on Tuesday to announce that he was calling the state legislature back in session to pass an assload of gun control laws that failed to pass last January. It’s important to note that both the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates are controlled by Republicans, so this manages to be even dumber.

“If we can save one life, because we acted now, it is worth it,” started Northam.

Throwing away an entire Constitutional amendment just to save one life hardly seems worth it, plus he qualified it with an “if” so there’s no guarantee of actually saving a life. If he really wants to save lives, ban abortions. Those things take a million American lives every year. Sure, Northam loves him some infanticide, but saving a million lives would be worth it.

After announcing that he was calling the legislature back into session to pass legislation to stop shootings like the one in Virginia Beach, Northam laid out all of the gun control laws he wants that wouldn’t have made a damn bit of difference.

“I will propose many of the same ideas we have proposed before. Universal background checks, a ban on assault weapons to include suppressors and bump stocks,” Northam said.

That’s simply genius. An asshole shoots up a place with handguns and this guy wants to ban semi-automatic rifles. At least he didn’t deliver this load of shit in blackface, but I bet he was tempted to.

This is kind of like if the American reaction to Pearl Harbor was to Bomb the shit out of Canada. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have, but clearly the problem was Japan and we went after them instead.

“We must do more than give our thoughts and prayers. We must give Virginians the action they deserve. This weekend’s tragedy, as well as the tragedies that happen every day across Virginia must instill in us new urgency to act,” Northam said.

Somebody else did something bad so you should lose your Constitutional rights. F*ck this guy.

“None of these ideas are radical. None of them violate the Second Amendment. None of them would impair any of my fellow Virginia hunters or sportsmen,” said Northam.

Banning what Northam thinks are assault rifles sure as hell violates the 2nd Amendment. Besides the DC v. Heller SCOTUS decision that says people have an individual right to own “guns in common use” for lawful purposes, the 2nd Amendment is painfully clear that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” He should look up what “infringe” means and he’ll realize how wrong he is.

The problem Northam and all democrats are having with this Virginia beach shooting is that until the moment the shooter opened fire, he was a law-abiding person who gave no signs that he was capable of such a heinous crime. There was nothing short of a complete and total ban on private gun ownership that would have prevented the shooting, and even then people can get their hands on anything the government prohibits.

Democrats love giving Republicans shit for doing nothing after a mass shooting but doing something pointless and unconstitutional like this is much worse. In fact, resisting the urge to act impulsively and emotionally after a tragedy is the absolute best way to deal with a crisis. Then again if it weren’t for emotional knee-jerk reactions democrats would have no identity at all.