Mayor In Trouble For Suggesting That Liberals Would Die In Ideological Revolution

Liberals try to pick fights with conservatives all the time, saying anyone who disagrees with them deserves to die. They try to stoke the flames of revolution, thinking they would somehow prevail over the heavily armed people on the right. Heck Eric Swalwell is running for president and he threatened to nuke all law abiding gun owners. I don’t actually see the problem with an Alabama Mayor saying that if such a revolution were to take place that liberals would need to be “killed out.” They’re ones trying to start it shit, so maybe a dose of reality is what they need.

The left is of course fuming mad over this because stuff is only outrageous when the other guys do it. WBRC reports that Carbon Hill mayor Mark Chambers is taking a lot of heat for some stuff he posted on Facebook.

“We live in a society where homosexuals lecture us on morals, transvestites lecture us on human biology, baby killers lecture us on human rights and socialists lecture us on economics,” wrote Chambers in a now-deleted FB post.

So far so good. This is just an astute observation of how full of crap the left is.

“By giving the minority more rights than the majority. I hate to think of the country my grandkids will live in unless somehow we change and I think that will take a revolution,” Chambers wrote.

Someone apparently asked Chambers what to do about this and that’s where he ran into trouble.

“The only way to change it would be to kill the problem out. I know it’s bad to say but without killing them out there’s no way to fix it,” wrote Chambers.

Cue gasps and fainting from everyone on the left, who say much worse shit about conservatives every single day.

The news called up Chambers and asked him to explain himself and he did.

“That’s in a revolution. That’s right! If it comes to a revolution in this country both sides of these people will be killed out,” said Chambers.

I don’t quite get the “killed out” thing. Is that some kind of regional Alabama term? In any case, his original posts and explanation to the news make it clear that Chambers is saying that if there were an ideological civil war in this country, people from both sides would be killed. Uh oh, did he say “both sides”? Maybe that’s why liberals are freaking out.

And freaking out they are. Just check out these outraged headlines from liberal media sources:

Alabama Mayor Calls for Killing LGBTQ People in Facebook Post

Alabama mayor recommends ‘killing’ of LGBTQ people in Facebook post

Alabama Mayor Suggests Killing LGBTQ People in Facebook Post He Says He Thought Was Private

Liberals think Chambers is saying that all gay people, abortionists, and socialists should be exterminated. In his defense, Chamber set the record strait:

“I never said anything about killing out gays or anything like that,” Chambers said.

So presumably abortionists and socialists are still fair game?

Look, the left has been trying to provoke this battle for years. All Mark Chambers said was “bring it, fool.” They want to kill anyone who doesn’t buy into their crazy ass socialist unAmerican bullshit and then they feign outrage when someone stands up and says, let’s do it.

Don’t write checks your ass can’t cash. It’s that simple.