Wednesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables and happy hump day.

After Long Delay, Key Witness in Mueller Probe Arrested on Child Porn Charges

Via American Greatness

A Lebanese-American businessman and key “witness” in the special counsel’s investigation of Russian election interference was arrested and charged Monday with transporting a dozen images of child pornography and bestiality.

George Nader, 60, was arrested Monday morning at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, according to federal prosecutors in the Eastern District of Virginia. Nader was involved in several key meetings at the center of the special counsel’s Trump/Russia investigation and his name shows up more than 100 times in the Mueller report.

Throughout the investigation, Nader was represented by Kathryn Ruemmler, Obama’s long-term White House Counsel/fixer.

The charges were initially filed in April 2018 over material he had on his cellphone when he arrived at Washington Dulles International Airport on Jan. 17, 2018, from Dubai. He left the country before he could be arrested. The charges were sealed until his arrest on Monday.

Read the entire article HERE.

“You Swine Happy Now?” MSM, Complicit In Disgruntled Minority Massacres, Desperately Suppressing VA Shooter’s Race

Via The Unz Review

On Friday a black man named DeWayne Craddock, an engineer employed by the city of Virginia Beach, shot 16 people in the local government building, killing 12, 9 of whom were white. He had reportedly earlier submitted his resignation. This is yet another example of the phenomenon that calls “Disgruntled Minority Massacre.” It’s not caused by racism, but by anti-racism—with more than a little help from the complicit Main Stream Media, which probably explains its increasingly frenzied drive to suppress facts like Craddock’s race.

City officials are claiming they didn’t fire Craddock and have no idea why he did this. A New York Times report says different, that he’d started acting violent, and was on the verge of losing his job.

This story, like all other New York Times stories, does not mention Craddock’s race.

A second story, describes Craddock as “an engineer” and “a 40-year-old former soldier,” goes on to say “Much about Mr. Craddock, an engineer who had worked on projects like sewer pipelines and pump station replacements, remained unclear.” [Virginia Beach Gunman Said He Was Quitting, Then Went on a Shooting Rampage, By Glenn Thrush and Alan Blinder, June 2, 2019 html]

You’re telling me! The Paper Of Record doesn’t even know what color he was, and apparently can’t find a photograph.

The NYT’s motto: “All The News That’s Fit To Print.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Huge Tech Company Tries To Ban Gun Makers From Using Its Products

Via The Federalist’s discrimination against the firearms industry isn’t capitalism at work. It’s a threat to our rights.

SalesForce recently, and very quietly, updated the software giant’s acceptable-use policy and it’s sending reverberations through the firearms and technology industries. It’s Operate Chokepoint all over again, except it’s coming from a select few technology insiders most Americans have likely never heard of before.

The customer-management system’s executives claim to be standing on their corporate foundational principles. They’re really walling off the industry that provides the means for American citizens to exercise basic constitutional rights. What gun control advocates can’t achieve through the legislative process they’re attempting to do through corporate fiat—policy making from the penthouse boardroom. A quick examination of SalesForce’s new policy restrictions proves this.

They list a series of disqualifying cosmetic features commonly found on modern sporting rifles, including semiautomatic rifles capable of accepting detachable magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, pistol grips, barrel shrouds, flash and sound suppressors. They throw in grenade launchers for good measure. The language is eerily similar to that found in U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 that fellow California Sen. Kamala Harris co-sponsors.

This is corporate virtue signaling at best. At worst, it is an effort to squeeze out of existence the industry that makes it possible for American citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights, and equip our military and brave law enforcement officers who protect our nation and our communities.

Read the entire article HERE.

Whistle-Blower: Middle School Curriculum Teaches 10-Year-Olds To Do Oral, Anal, Put Condoms on Dildos

Via Big League Politics

Child abuse is becoming mainstream due to the work of degenerate Democrats.

A whistle-blowing former public school teacher is sounding the alarm about new middle school sexual education standards in California that sexualize children and teach them dangerous sexual behaviors before the age of adolescence.

“It’s shocking,” Rebecca Friedrichs, the founder of For Kids & Country, said in an interview with The Christian Post. She spoke of relay races where 10- and 11-year-old girls are trained to put condoms on a prosthetic male erection as the boys watch on.

Kids as young as 11 years old are trained in how to engage in oral and anal sex and taught to experiment with bisexuality by public school teachers.

“It is medically risky on multiple levels. And when you read the curriculum … it’s written almost like a college fraternity wrote this curriculum in a very crass and a juvenile way,” she said of the ongoing sexualization of children.

Read the entire article HERE.

NBA Teams Consider Ditching the Term ‘Owner’ Because it Feels ‘Racially Insensitive’

Via PJ Media

A number of NBA teams have been considering ditching the term “owner” and that high-level conversations have taken place over the past year, according to a report from TMZ.

These conversations have focused on the idea that the term “owner” feels racially insensitive in a league that is predominantly made up of black players.

Several high-ranking sources from multiple teams tell us people have been talking about the issue for a while but it gained steam in late 2018 when Draymond Green appeared on LeBron James’ show, “The Shop,” and argued against teams using the term.
“You shouldn’t say owner,” Green said … noting the title should be changed to either CEO, Chairman or something like Majority Shareholder.

During the show, Jon Stewart agreed and explained, “When your product is purely the labor of people then owner sounds like something that is of a feudal nature.”

Two teams have already made the change. The Philadelphia 76ers changed their titles from “owners” to “Managing Partners” and “co-owners” to “Limited Partners.” The Los Angeles Clippers refer to their owner as “Chairman” now.

“Chairman” isn’t gender neutral, so I’m sure that will change soon enough.

Read the entire article HERE.

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