Joe Biden Caught Plagiarizing Once Again

When Joe Biden was in law school he was busted for plagiarism. When Joe Biden ran for president in 1988 he was caught plagiarizing his speeches. Well, Biden is once again running for president and once again he has stolen other people’s work and tried to pass it off as his own. Is this guy stupid or something? Actually I know he is and that may be the problem. When he uses his own words it’s never good, so why not steal from others?

Yesterday Biden released his global warming policy, which is kind of like the socialist Green New Deal, minus the cow farts. More than a few people from environmental groups couldn’t help but to notice that Biden straight up stole their words and while this was completely ignored by the liberal media, The Washington Free Beacon was on it:

The climate platform of former vice president and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden appears to have lifted wholesale language from environmentalist nonprofits without attribution.

The similarity in language was first spotted online by Josh Nelson, the vice president of progressive and environmentalist cell phone company CREDO Mobile. “The paragraph in Joe Biden’s climate plan about carbon capture and sequestration includes language that is remarkably similar to items published previously by the Blue Green Alliance and the Carbon Capture Coalition,” he tweeted Tuesday morning.

And The Daily Caller found even more instance of plagiarism:

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s climate plan appears to have used nearly identical language from other sources in at least five different passages.

Josh Nelson, co-director of environmentalist group CREDO Action, highlighted two instances where Biden’s campaign used the exact same language as left-wing nonprofits, without citations.

A subsequent review of Biden’s plan by The Daily Caller News Foundation identified three other examples of similarly phrased excerpts.

The Biden campaign told Business Insider that they just plumb forgot to cite the sources they were stealing from, which is exactly what someone would say when they were caught plagiarizing.

The Biden campaign told INSIDER, “Several citations were inadvertently left out of the final version of the 22-page document. As soon as we were made aware of it, we updated to include the proper citations.”

That was yesterday, but today brought even more charges of plagiarism. Biden released his education plan and, wouldn’t you know it, he stole more people’s work. It was so bad that even The Washington Post took note:

In the case of his education policy, Biden used a sentence word for word from an education policy publication from the group XQ Institute.

“Students who participate in high-quality career and technical education are more likely to graduate, earn industry credentials, enroll in college, and have higher rates of employment and higher earnings,” the sentence read.

The institute did not immediately respond to requests for comment, and the Biden campaign declined a request for comment on the education policy passage. After The Washington Post contacted the campaign about the sentence, it added a link to the institute’s publication.

Because he’s awesome like that, President Trump chimed in with a tweet. This went out after the first plagiarism charge and before the second:

I fricken love this guy.

So are we sensing a pattern here? In his first year at Syracuse School of Law, Biden flunked a legal methodology class when he turned in a paper that was a cut-and-paste job from a well known law publication without citing it. That’s another way of saying he plagiarized his paper. In 1988, Biden’s presidential campaign was derailed when it was discovered that he was plagiarizing UK politician Neil Kinnock’s speeches.

Joe Biden is a goofball gaffe machine with a proven record of loosing. He’s a serial creeper and a serial plagiarizer. He’s also the democratic party’s front runner for 2020, so the only thing I can conclude is the dems are fine with 4 more years of Trump. Hillary Clinton was an unelectable joke candidate and Joe Biden is much funnier punchline.