Alyssa Milano Made Joe Biden Flip-Flop On Publicly Funded Abortions

For over 40 years Joe Biden has been against the federal government funding abortions. As recently as 2 day ago, he held this belief and then suddenly flip-flopped. It’s not that uncommon for a democrat to do a 180 on something, but in this case it appears as if Hollywood activist idiot Alyssa Milano is the reason why Biden abandoned a belief he held for nearly half a century. If Milano is now Biden’s main policy advisor, I predict his presidential campaign will sink sooner than expected.

The Hyde Amendment is a law passed in the 1970’s that bans the federal government from providing any funding for abortions. Here’s a fun timeline to see Joe Biden’s support for this sound public policy:

1976 –  Delaware Senator Joe Biden voted for the Hyde Amendment.

1981 – Biden added an amendment to the Foreign Service Act that bans US aid from being used in abortion research.

1984 – Biden supported the “Mexico City policy” also know as the “global gag order” which bans foreign non-governmental agencies who perform abortions from receiving US aid.

1993 – Biden voted to preserve the Hyde Amendment.

1995 – Biden voted to ban partial birth abortions.

1997 – Biden voted again to ban partial birth abortions.

June 5, 2019 – Joe Biden pledges his continued support for the Hyde Amendment, saying that he will not change his convictions.

June 6, 2019 – Joe Biden no longer supports the Hyde Amendment and thinks the federal government should pay for abortions.

“I can’t justify leaving millions of women without access to the care they need and the ability to exercise their constitutionally protected right. If I believe healthcare is a right, as I do, I can no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone’s zip code,” said Biden at a fundraiser Thursday night.

Wow, that’s quite a reversal after 43 years of supporting something. What could have possibly made him change his mind? Well, this according to The Atlantic:

This was a tense two days in Biden’s Washington, D.C., headquarters. The candidate was caught off guard after an NBC News story published Wednesday morning attempted to nail down where he stands on abortion policy—specifically Hyde. Symone Sanders, one of Biden’s senior advisers, confronted him, she confirmed to me Thursday night, telling Biden that he was missing how his position disproportionately affected poor women and women of color without easy access to abortion. Alyssa Milano, the actor who’s become a major online presence on issues of women’s rights as well as a friend of the Biden team, spoke by phone Wednesday with Biden’s campaign manager, Greg Schultz, telling him that the candidate needed to change.

So Biden is a deeply religious man with firmly held convictions until a washed-up D-list actress calls him up and then everything is out the window. What, did Milano tell Biden he can sniff her hair if he comes out against the Hyde Amendment?

This literally is the single worst flip-flop in US political history and shows the Biden is both spineless and unprincipled. It also shows yet another reason why Biden should never be President of the United States.

This was inevitable. Biden came into the democratic primary race as a centrist, but the party has moved so far to the left that he either had to adapt or drop out. I think this is just the beginning. By next week Biden will be an open-borders pro-infanticide socialist reparations fan. He might even go transgender just to make sure he fits in with the new democratic party.