Anti-Semites On Parade; D.C. ‘Dyke March’ Bans Jewish Symbols

When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the cloak of diversity and carrying a flag of tolerance…

But we all know that’s total bullshit because the most intolerant of all are those who are imposing a chilling forced diversity upon the nation that has many shared characteristics with communism and fascism.

The biggest lie that the left ever told is that they don’t hate Jews and as we have repeatedly seen whether it be the brazen anti-Semitism of the Women’s March leadership, Democrat freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar and the anti-American social media hate mobs that is not the case.

In fact, the biggest haters alive today are the militant homosexuals and transgenders who are disproportionately represented in media and entertainment and cheered on by celebs and politicians alike as they carry out their acts of discrimination and bullying.

The latest example?

For that, we go to the nation’s capital and the Pride Month celebration of the D.C. Dyke March which is drawing criticism for banning Israeli flags with the Jewish Star Of David.

Via The Washington Free Beacon, “D.C. Gay Pride March Bans Israeli Flags, Allows Palestinian Ones”:

A Washington gay pride parade is banning participants from brandishing Israeli flags, Israeli pride flags, or any “pro-Israel paraphernalia” during its event on Friday.

Yael Horowitz, a Jewish organizer of the D.C. Dyke March, said organizers had decided to ban “nationalist symbols,” including flags and banners that represent “nations that have specific oppressive tendencies.”

Palestinian flags would be allowed, however, the Forward reported. It was unclear if this was a tacit acknowledgment of Palestinians not having a true state. It was also unclear if organizers were aware of the lack of LGBT protections for gay Palestinians, including the illegality of male homosexual conduct in the Gaza Strip.

“Jewish stars and other identifications and celebrations of Jewishness (yarmulkes, talit, other expressions of Judaism or Jewishness) are welcome and encouraged,” Horowitz wrote in a Facebook message to marcher A.J. Campbell. “We do ask that participants not bring pro-Israel paraphernalia in solidarity with our queer Palestinian friends.”

The decision by the Dyke March organizers to ban all things Jewish was blasted by the far-left Anti-Defamation League:

According to ADL President Jonathan Greenblatt:

“It is outrageous that in preparing to celebrate LGBTQ pride, the D.C. Dyke March is forbidding Jewish participants from carrying any flag or sign that includes the Star of David, which is universally recognized as a symbol of the Jewish people,” Greenblatt stated. “Banning the Star of David in their parade is anti-Semitic, plain and simple. The LGBTQ community and its supporters are diverse, and that is part of its tremendous strength. We call on the organizers to immediately reverse this policy.”

But of course, nothing is going to be done thanks to the media and Democrats who continue to provide cover for Jew-haters and are implicitly condoning this sort of bigotry.

UPDATE: footage from on the ground.