Muslim Threatens Islamic Takeover Of The Western World By 2060

According to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, climate change is going to destroy the world in 12 years so maybe this isn’t a big concern. Then again, AOC is full of shit and global warming is fake, so we probably should pay attention to this. A Muslim man is claiming that Islam and Sharia law will overtake Western culture in 2060, which only gives us 41 years to stop Global Jihading. Think cap and trade only with drone strikes and carpet bombing.

This is an interview from Canadian TV at some kind of Muslim protest in Toronto. What are the chances that the reporter just happened to find the one crazy Muslim in the bunch?

“Do you want to see Sharia law in Canada replace Canadian law?,” the reporter asked.

“At some point it will. You know, because we have families. We are making babies, you’re not. Your population is going down the slump,” replied the Muslim.

Down the slump? What the hell does that mean? Never mind because there’s this dire warning:

“By 2060 Muslims will be the biggest religious group the world over. What are you going to do then? Are you going to oppose Sharia even then?” the Muslim asked/threatened.

The reporter then tried for some clarity and asked if this man wants a Muslim majority in the West.

“On day we can have a Muslim majority nation in Canada, right in your face,” the Muslim said.

Clearly something must be done to stop this global threat and this might actually be something liberals will get on board with. The reporter asked the man what would happen to gay people under Sharia law:

“They would be executed according to Islamic law. Islam doesn’t endorse gayism. Islam doesn’t endorse homosexuality,” stated the Muslim mater-of-factly.


Then in possibly the dumbest thing ever, the reporters asks why this Mulsim thinks it’s okay to execute gay people simply because of their sexual orientation.

“You don’t have any problem with Muslims being executed just because of being Muslim,” said the Muslim.

“That does not happen, sir,” said the reporter.

Now wait for it…

“It happened to me,” replied the Muslim.

Yes, this jihadi kook claims he was executed for being Muslim. Unlike American liberal media “journalists” who would have let this go, the Canadian reporter had questions.

“You were executed? You’re back from the dead?” asked the reporter.

Due to the overwhelming evidence against it, the Muslim reluctantly admitted that hadn’t actually been executed for his religion. He then claimed that people disliking Muslims is the same thing as executing gays and brought things full-circle with this explanation as to why homosexuality should be punished by death:

“It’s because of these abnormal sexual orientations that your population is going down the slump,” said the man.

You got that? Gayism is making Western population go down the slump.

As crazy as this motherf*cker is, he did have some solid advice for stopping the Islamic takeover of the West:

“Change the laws to not allow any more Muslims to come to Canada like if you are bothered by Muslims,” he said.

We tried that here in the US (not really) and stupid liberals cried to stupider liberal judges and got it blocked. Maybe now that liberals understand that gay genocide agenda of Muslims, they will come over to the side of reason and help stop this menace.

Unlike global warming, the science really is settled on the Muslim threat to destroy Western culture and religion. We have until 2060 to reduce our Jihadi footprint. It may take the elimination of the cab and convenience store industries, but it’s a small price to pay to save the planet. This should be a bipartisan issue.