Joe Biden Says He’ll Cure Cancer If You Vote For Him

Talk about trying to buy votes. Most of the other democrats running in 2020 are promising free stuff like health care and college, but Joe Biden says if you put him in the White House he’ll cure cancer. There’s a 100% chance this is an empty promise like everything else democrats are offering and hopefully the FEC steps in fines him. Biden couldn’t find his asshole with a GPS, so how is he going to solve a disease that the top doctors and scientists haven’t been able to cure in 100 years of hard work and research?

Biden gave a speech in Iowa today, which is weird because he doesn’t usually show his face in public. Biden spent a good portion of his time giving Trump shit, calling the President an “existential threat.” He even tried out a new slogan:

“He says let’s make America great again, I say let’s make America American again,” said Biden.

How is that any different than Trump’s slogan? He’s saying let’s get this country back to when it was better than it is now. If Trump said it would be racist, but Biden is a democrat and immune from such criticism.

In any case, through incoherent thoughts and slurred speech, Biden got to the reason why you should vote for him:

“I promise you, if I’m elected president, you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America: We’re going to cure cancer,” said Biden.

The handful of people in attendance erupted in applause as if they actually thought this is something Biden is capable of.

Here’s a fair question: If Biden can cure cancer, why doesn’t he just do it instead of being a dick about it? Why does he have to wait until he gets in the White House to do it? What he’s really saying is, “vote for me or die a horrible death.” I think his other slogan was a little better.

And here’s the thing about this, in Obama’s last year as president he gave Joe Biden the responsibility of curing cancer with unlimited resources. This is no joke. Obama called it the Cancer Moonshot and put Biden in charge. It’s been almost 4 years since and as far as I know, Biden hasn’t cured cancer. I feel like that would have made the news.

You know what else would have made then news? If Biden’s “Moonshot” had produced any advancements in cancer research. He claims the purpose of this plan was to cram 10 years of cancer research into just a few years. Well, where are the results of this cramming? There aren’t any because Biden is full of shit.

If Biden couldn’t cure cancer with the “Moonshot” what are the chances he’ll be able to do it if he is elected president? He’s begging for another shot as something he’s already royally f*cked up. It’s actually not that different than his continued insistence that he is a viable candidate to represent the democratic party in a presidential election. He’s failed that several times and he won’t be any more successful in curing cancer.

No, this is far beyond Biden’s level of expertise and everybody knows it. If he wants to make a promise that people will believe, he should say he’ll cure male pattern baldness if you vote for him. He cured his with those sweet hair plugs and he can get on the democratic party’s socialism train by saying he’ll give everyone “free” hair replacements.