Tuesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

The good news? Monday’s over. The bad news? It’s only Tuesday.

A Lot Of Joe

By Ben Garrison

It’s hard to keep track of all the Democrats now running for president, but Joe Biden leads in the polls.

Biden is career politician who aligns well with the Clintons, the Bushes, and Obama. For now, he’s the Deep State’s choice to lead our country. He doesn’t stand much of a chance. He turns 77 in November and he does not inspire his base. His baggage far outweighs his positive aspects, whatever those might be.

“Creepy Joe” is a serial groper. He loves to grab women from behind and sniff their hair. He even does this with little girls. On public stages he should be able to control himself, especially by now, but he can’t—and that’s not a good sign.

President Trump created a meme for Biden: “Sleepy Joe.” It’s a play on both his age and his lackluster style of campaigning. He’s sleepwalking through his campaign. He could also be called “Sloppy Joe” for his careless and corrupt dealings with Ukraine and China—in order to benefit his disgraced son, Hunter. Another knick name might be ‘Flip Floppy Joe.’ Like a cynical weathervane, he moves in whatever direction he thinks might attract the most voters, regardless of the issue.

f he gets the nomination, he’ll end up being ‘Weepy Joe’ because he stands no chance against Trump. Many Democrats already know this. Hillary knows it, too. She may be allowing the crowded field to come across as the bumbling, losing fools that they are. In dramatic fashion, she will then step in as the only viable candidate able to ’save’ the Democrats. Yes, Hillary will run again. She confuses her corruption with competence. She has done her best to stay relevant and in the news. Does anyone seriously think she’ll bow out of politics gracefully? She has no grace. She couldn’t even give a concession speech—she sent Podesta to do that.

Biden is biding time for Hillary, who is the one who owns and controls the Democrat Party. She’s using Sleepy Joe as her placeholder. It’s probably why he’s putting out only a perfunctory effort.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

‘Scorched Earth’: Mueller’s Targets Speak Out

Via Real Clear Investigations

Now that Mueller has ended his probe finding no election collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, 10 witnesses and targets of his sprawling, $35 million investigation agreed to speak with RealClearInvestigations because they are no longer in legal jeopardy. They include several people who became household names during the two-year probe – including George Papadopoulos, Carter Page and Roger Stone – as well as lesser-known figures whose lives were also upended and finances imperiled when they came into Mueller’s crosshairs.

Only three of the 10, Papadopoulos, Stone and a political consultant named Sam Patten, were charged with a crime. Patten received three years probation but no jail time for failing to register as a foreign agent; Papadopoulos served 12 days for lying to federal agents; and Stone awaits trial on false statements, witness-tampering and obstruction charges.

Their firsthand accounts pull back the curtain on the secret inner workings of the Mueller probe, revealing how the special counsel’s nearly two dozen prosecutors and 40 FBI agents used harshly aggressive tactics to pressure individuals to either cop to crimes or implicate others in felonies involving collusion.

Although they interacted with Mueller’s team at different times and in different places, the witnesses and targets often echoed each other. Almost all decried what they called Mueller’s “scorched earth” methods that affected their physical, mental and financial health. Most said they were forced to retain high-priced Washington lawyers to protect them from falling into “perjury traps” for alleged lying, which became the special counsel’s charge of last resort. In the end, Mueller convicted four Trump associates for this so-called process crime, and investigated an additional five individuals for allegedly making false statements – including former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Oberlin Trial Is a Blueprint for Fighting Back

By David French/National Review

Late last week, an Ohio jury reached a verdict that sent shockwaves through the American higher-education establishment. It ordered Oberlin College to pay a business called Gibson’s Food Market and Bakery a stunning $11 million in compensatory damages for defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and intentional interference with business relationships. And that number will rise, significantly, if it decides to impose punitive damages as well.

The case represents an important moment — the moment when the American legal establishment learned that it can potentially impose steep costs on institutions that participate in the kind of cruel, malicious, and vicious mob tactics that have become an all-too-familiar part of the American political landscape. It turns out that the law can indeed offer an answer to the worst forms of illiberal behavior.

The facts of the case are egregious. On November 9, 2016, a bakery employee suspected an African-American Oberlin student, Jonathan Aladin, of stealing wine. The employee pursued the student and got in a physical altercation with Aladin and two other Oberlin students, Cecilia Whettstone and Endia Lawrence. Police arrested the three students, and almost a year later — on August 11, 2017 — Aladin pled guilty to attempted theft, aggravated trespass, and underage consumption. Whettstone and Lawrence pled guilty to attempted theft and aggravated trespass. They were not racially profiled. They were guilty of crimes.

Yet students immediately organized a protest of the bakery, publishing and distributing flyers that claimed it was “a RACIST establishment with a LONG ACCOUNT of RACIAL PROFILING and DISCRIMINATION,” and that a member of the Oberlin community “was assaulted” by its owner. Evidence indicated that university officials helped publish and distribute the flyer, including by disseminating it to media.

This was but the beginning of the bakery’s ordeal. The student senate issued a resolution stating that Gibson’s had a history of “racial profiling” and “discriminatory treatment,” and the resolution was posted on campus for “a period of at least one year.” The head of Oberlin’s Department of Africana Studies published a Facebook post declaring that Gibson’s had “been bad for decades” and that “their dislike for black people is palpable.” He said, “Their food is rotten and they profile black students.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Walmart Employees Bristling At Fleet Of Robot Co-Workers

Via Zero Hedge

Walmart’s new fleet of robots is rubbing employees the wrong way, according to the Washington Post.

In particular, the company’s new Auto-C self-driving floor scrubber is proving more of a headache than a helper, according to workers of Walmart Supercenter No. 937 in Marietta, GA, who have named it “Freddy” after the janitor it replaced.

Freddy’s career at the store has gotten off to a rocky start. Workers there said it has suffered nervous breakdowns, needed regular retraining sessions and taken weird detours from its programmed rounds.

Shoppers are not quite sure how to interact with Freddy, either. Evan Tanner, who works there, recalled the night he says a man fell asleep on top of the machine as it whirred obediently down a toy aisle. -Washington Post

While Walmart executives are skeptical that someone passed out on an operating Auto-C, Tanner insists that it happened. “Someone had to pull [the sleeping man] off,” he said, adding that Freddy “was going to swing toward groceries, just cleaning away.”

The company has also been using demeaning analogies to foist the robot co-workers on human employees, such as comparing the machines to Star Wars droid R2-D2 and the Transformer Optimus Prime. “Every hero needs a sidekick, and some of the best have been automated,” said the company in a May announcement titled #SquadGoals.

When does the “sidekick” become one’s boss? Not anytime soon if the reports are accurate:

Many Walmart workers said they had long feared robots would one day take their jobs. But they had not expected this strange transition era in which they are working alongside machines that can be as brittle, clumsy and easily baffled by the messy realities of big-box retail as a human worker can be. –WaPo

Walmart is rolling out an army of robots into more than 1,500 of its jumbo stores, performing tasks such as automated shelf-scanning, unloading boxes, AI camera systems and other jobs once left to human employees. Executives have promised that the 24-7 automation will result in happier employees who endure less drudgery and “more satisfying jobs.” (with far fewer human co-workers to get in the way, we presume).

With friends like this commie, who needs enemies! Bring on the robots!

Read the entire article HERE.

Disturbing Video Surfaces Of Childrens’ Drag Show, With Touchy-Feely Adults

Via The Gateway Pundit

As reported last week, a venue called the Friendly House played host to a child-centric drag queen show in Portland (where else), featuring 10-year-old drag kid Sparkle Lynn More. It was also promoted on MensGo.com as a gay audience event. Street videographer Brandon Farley attended the event and has posted video of the entire thing on his YouTube channel.

Read the entire article HERE.

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