Nervous Nancy Whines After HUGE Trump Win Over Mexico

Stuff a sock in it Nancy!

Much to the dismay of America haters on the left, President Trump scored another big win following Mexico’s agreement to do more in order to address the illegal immigration crisis that has swamped the southern border and is a national security threat.

Last week, Trump dropped the hammer on the Mexican government by threatening to slap our southern neighbor with an escalating series of tariffs to begin at 5 percent if there wasn’t serious action taken to halt the flow of invading columns of migrants that have been passing through the country with little to no resistance.

When the leader of the free world announce the tariffs last weekend, there were howls of indignation from the usual suspects as well as from Republicans bought and paid for by members of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce who suggested that they would join with the Democrat resistance to block such action.

But as the tense Mexican standoff dragged on with the tariffs only days from being implemented, Mexico blinked and agreed to deploy their national guard to the Guatemalan border as well as increase enforcement action against human traffickers

Trump took to Twitter to inform the American people of the art of the deal”

Once again, the millions of voters who decided to put a successful businessman into the White House saw their choice pay off with an agreement that will at least in theory stem the flow of migrants that have overwhelmed those tasked with the awful task of processing them as well as to mitigate some of their own misery, especially that of the children who have been dragged thousands of miles by their selfish parents.

According to the State Department:

Mexico will take unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration, to include the deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border. Mexico is also taking decisive action to dismantle human smuggling and trafficking organizations as well as their illicit financial and transportation networks. Additionally, the United States and Mexico commit to strengthen bilateral cooperation, including information sharing and coordinated actions to better protect and secure our common border.

Many would think that such a deal would be greeted as great news for those concerned with the state of the USA but for those who can’t be bothered with doing the right thing – let alone their jobs – it really, really sucks.

Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi was predictably upset over the deal to stem the tide of Democrat voters illegal immigrants and quickly expressed her dissatisfaction by issuing the following official statement.

“President Trump undermined America’s preeminent leadership role in the world by recklessly threatening to impose tariffs on our close friend and neighbor to the south.

“We are deeply disappointed by the Administration’s expansion of its failed Remain-in-Mexico policy, which violates the rights of asylum seekers under U.S. law and fails to address the root causes of Central American migration.

“Congress will continue to hold the Trump Administration accountable for its failures to address the humanitarian situation at our southern border. President Trump must stop sabotaging good-faith, constructive, and bipartisan efforts in Congress to address this complex problem in a humane manner that honors and respects our most cherished national values.

“The Trump Administration must also do much more to cooperate in a meaningful way with Mexico in cracking down on smuggling networks. It’s failure to do so thus far is unconscionable and irresponsible.“Threats and temper tantrums are no way to negotiate foreign policy.”

Nervous Nancy claimed that the deal with Mexico “undermined” American leadership and also whined that “threats and temper tantrums” are not effective ways to negotiate despite her own proclivity for engaging in threats and temper tantrums in a two and a half years running hissy fit over an election that didn’t go her way.

Pelosi’s trashing of the deal comes days after she called for Trump to be thrown into prison, a statement that according to liberal Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz made her “sound like” Soviet tyrant Joseph Stalin.

As for Trump, he again took to Twitter to spike the ball and to blast lying Democrats and the “fake news” media for distorting the importance of the agreement with Mexico.

The Democrats and their winged monkeys at CNN and the NYT wouldn’t even cut Trump any slack if he ann0unced a cure for cancer but unlike the elite gatekeepers, the American people understand who is on their side and will deliver that message loud and clear next November.