Libs Suddenly Outraged That Tim Allen Used The N-Word…6 Years Ago!

Tim Allen is one of the few conservative voices in the ultra-liberal entertainment industry, so there is an ongoing effort to get him. Today, liberals are outraged that the comedian may have used the N-word in a non-derogatory way 6 years ago. Yeah, this thing was so offensive it took liberals 6 full years to process it and then turn it into outrage. Wait until they find out Bill Maher used the N-word in an extremely derogatory way a few years ago. Oops, never mind, Maher is liberal and is allowed to be racist.

This whole thing starts out as stupidly as possible. While promoting Toy Story 4 with Tom Hanks, some black interviewer asked both Allen and Hanks if they knew how to play the card game spades. Hanks knew and Allen did not, which prompted black Twitter to label him a racist.

From there someone dug up an interview (sort of) from 2013 in which Allen defended white people using the N-word in non-racist ways. I say the interview was sort of dug up because the original does not exist. It supposedly came from the Tampa Bay Times, but it is no longer on their website. The Guardian reported on it, but linked to a Daily Mail article, which had a dead link to the TBT original. In any case, here’s what Allen is alleged to have said:

Comedian and actor Tim Allen is in a spot of bother this week. Specifically for telling the Tampa Bay Times that he should be able to say the n-word as much as he likes. “If I have no intent, if I show no intent, if I clearly am not a racist, then how can ‘nigger’ be bad coming out of my mouth?” asked Allen. The comic, who claimed to use the word regularly in his standup, added that “[the phrase] ‘the n-word’ is worse to me than nigger.”

Pictures or it didn’t happen.

I’m actually not trying to claim Allen never said this, but it does seem weird that nobody ever heard about it until today. Anytime in the past 30 years that a white person has used the N-word, no matter the context, there has been an uproar and I don’t remember any surrounding this. When Paula Deen used the N-word, the world almost came to an end. Why was Allen’s use ignored until 6 years later?

The reason is possibly because what Allen said isn’t all that outrageous, or at least it wasn’t 6 years ago. He didn’t call anyone the N-word, he simply defend his right to use it in ways that aren’t a personal attack or racial slur. Things have changed since then and now any non-liberal white person using the N-word in any context is the worst racist ever. If Allen were liberal, he could moonwalk in blackface while reciting an all-N-word limerick at the BET awards and it’d be fine, but he’s conservative so no dice.

I don’t have any problem believing that after 6 years liberals have finally found the “courage” to be outraged over something they didn’t care about in 2013. What I do have a hard time believing is that Tim Allen actually uses the N-word in his comedy routine.

Granted, I haven’t seen his act in many years, but he kind does that primal grunting thing while talking about manly pursuits such as barbecuing and tools. Does he substitute the N-word for “black” in Black & Decker? Depending on the joke, that might actually be funny.